July 4th is my DAY!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...=P

Jun 22, 2006 18:26

So I have learned that July 4th is the day I begin work!!! Woohoo!!! I am soooooooooo...  EXCITED and I am so happy! Between being able to "work", and being able to go back to school. I cannot begin to count my blessings and my luck in life. But I had best be cautious in what I say or else that immature individual may cause beef with me AGAIN calling me oh, what was it again?! Oh yeah..."DO YOU REALIZE YOU ARE NOTHING, YOU WERE NOTHING, AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE NOTHING!" Not to bring up the past shit from this SAD individual but I am going to bring it up because I am going to be laughing at you for years to come...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha... So yes I WILL be laughing for a looooooooong looooooooong TIME!!!
Okay, enough of this child! Oh hey did you all know that Steve apparently cheated on me! =0 Oh, no! Excuse me as I go in the corner and cry! hahahaha...Oh my God! This sad person KILLS me!
Sorry guys, but I just can't help it. I really did not realize that we were children! I could have sworn we were all adults.
Okay, enough of me getting my heart rate up on this immature, loser!
So regarding LaSenza, I will only be able to work once a week for one hour (FOR NOW!) but hey, I'm cool with that. With school I'm only able to take one course (FOR NOW) also. But again I'm cool with that, it's only to prove to Michelle, Kim, and Kathlene (my awesome speech therapists) that I'm able to get A's and they will add another course. For work they just want to see how I handle work for a bit, then they (Liz and Kimberly) will add more hours. Everything is going back to perfection! Slowly, I will admit although it's going very slowly! But I'm getting my life back! Which is lovely!
I'm also thanking my speech therapists for the motivaion they have given me to change my field of interest from teaching to being a speech therapist. So I am going to finish my diploma at Seneca, then transfer to George Brown to recieve my CDA (Communication Disorder Assistant) diploma, then I am going to go to U of T to get my teaching diploma. That is my new dream! I am VERY EXCITED!!!
Okay, enough is enough but I just thought I would let you all know my newest plans and dreams!
Ciao everyone!

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