Jun 03, 2005 22:21
Wednesday: I had PT (physical training). It totally kicked my ass and it was hard being the only girl. My PO was really nice though and helped me through it. The 2 mile run after drills was the toughest part though.
Thursday: Took me 20 minutes just to roll off the couch to the floor and over to my purse to get my phone because I was SO sore. Then, later, I took Kendra to the PT "field" and she participated with me in the PT drills and the like. I need to do PT just about every day so I can be ready for ... the next time.
Friday (today): I had to work. Still sore ... but took it like a trooper. Kendra is a little sore, or so I hear (hahahaha). Work was good. I'm TOTALLY (did that on purpose) back in the good circle of my managers. They were ALL like super cranky for a week and now, all of a sudden, they're cool and happy about everything and with everyone. It's releaving because I was getting really tired of cashiering. I don't have a problem with the people but it's just SO boring standing there for 8 hours.
Side Notes: I'm totally falling head over heels for Michael. Don't know why ...just am. I ... LOVE being around him. I'm not in love or falling in love though. Not gonna happen. Why bother getting my hopes up, ya know? However, I am in love with his dog, DiDi. AHHH she's the best.
Well, going now. I didn't really have anything to write about anyway ... this is all just jibberish that I figured I could take up space with.
xoxoxo, Nell