everyday you can see changes in her hair and smile

Feb 19, 2006 22:54


In our world, love is an almost inaccessible experience. Everything is against it: morals, classes, laws, races and the very lovers themselves. The woman has always been for man the "other," his opposite and complement. If one part of our being longs to unite itself with her, another part--- equally imperious-- rejects and excludes her. Woman is an object, sometimes precious, sometimes harmful, but always DIFFERENT. By converting her into an object and subjecting her to the deformations  which his interests, his vanity, his angush and his very love dictate, man changes her into an instument, a means of obtaining understanding and pleasure, a way of achieving survival. Woman is an idol, a goddess, a mother, a witch or a muse. But she can never be her own self. Thus our relationships are vitiated at the outset, are poisoned at the root. A phantasm comes between us, and this phantasm is the image, the image of her, the image we have made of her.....Her being is divided between what she really is and what shes imagines she is.....She never expresses her femininity because it always manifests itselfs in forms men have invented for her. 
Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide awake. But this wide awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason. When we emerge, perhaps we will realize that we have been dreaming with our eyes open, and that the dreams of reason are intolerable. And then, perhaps...........................we will begin to dream once more with our eyes closed.
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