I have decided, I will attempt to bag snatch Christmas from you all. So you all know
Santa Clause, well I am going to make the argument that he is an illegal
Smuggler. Think about it, Santa makes all types of toys for all the good children in the world, and then travels around the world through out a period of 24 hours delivering these toys to these children. I see one big flaw with this, Santa didn't pay Taxes on those toys. He Smuggled them into all these countries and gives them away, for free.
Now think about this boys and girls, think of how many children are in America alone, a whole lot. If Santa were to make, even a toy that sold for $5 for each of them, that would be $5 times a whole lot, to make a Whole Fucking Lot More. That my dear child, is a Whole Fucking Lot of money our government alone misses out on in taxes. I dare say, that this Illegal Slave Labor Supporting Smuggler is the reason why our economy is slowly inflating. Our government has to raise the taxes to help cover the money this twisted old fuck is stealing every single year. And you have to realize, he isn't just doing this to the United State, he is doing it to the entire world.
To make it worse, Santa doesn’t stop there. When he is out invading peoples personal homes every year, even those that make it on the naughty list get something from him, a piece of coal. Now, a piece of coal is still a lot cheaper than $5 a piece, but if you count up all the Naughty children in the state of California alone, that is still one Hell of a lot of coal, and it is all smuggled into the country.
Now that I have brought this to your attention, I hope you all have a very happy Christmas, because all those toys from Santa (aka Old Twisted Economy Raping Fuckhead), you feel good about all the good things you have done all year to earn those presents.
Nelio Belmont