Character Sheets

Jun 29, 2010 22:43

I've finished up the character sheets. While these handle a lot of the math for you, you will need to put in the base points of the powers you are building in order for it to calculate out the rest. I've included the blank character sheet, and the sample military officer I created for you to cross reference. I'll stress that you shouldn't have to change any of the base formulas / calcuation, but if you apply things like Reduced Endurance, you may have to. In cases such as though, wait for me to do it with you so i can be sure everything is working out correctly. If you guys just want to wait till the character creation session, that is fine as well.

These are done in MS Excel, and I suspect that attempting to open them in other similar programs will mess up the formating. Excel 2007 is prefered, but will work as well. If you don't have these, go ahead and look them over, otherwise just wait for me to help you create your character.

Sample Military
Finished Character Sheet
Sample Military Melee (Finished) PDF

One final thing. If you haven't thought about your character, please start doing so. I'd like you to have a character concept by the time of the character creation session, which will hopefully be on June 3. If you have any questions, ask them here just in case others have similar questions. And of course, I am open to criticism.

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