May 29, 2005 15:41
to all of my wonderful friends, lovers, favorite people and others:
yes guys, its me!!! today, while looking out at the BEAUTIFUL sunny cleveland weather i decided that no longer will my live journal thingy feel neglected. SO, in that case, here i am...actually updating. if you want, i guess you could go back and read some of the other entries...but i think that last one was from OVER a year ago! and yes, things have changed A LOT since then!!
shoutouts to those in the 'wood, GEORGE-ERS (sorry im not gonna be with you guys this summer!!), NEL-ERS, and other random people who may be reading this. thanks so much for making my life everything it is...i hope you all are having a wonderful weekend (and for those americans out there...have a relaxing, and family-filled memorial day).
ps...if no one leaves messages (like last year), then i think im going to disband this live journal thing for everyone, show me how much having a live journal means!!!!
i'll even ask you a spark some inspiration:
if we had 3 hours to spend together...what would we do during that time?
hmmm....very interesting, right? haha...I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!
28 DAYS!!!!!!