Aug 21, 2011 11:09
So, I have a food intolerance. It's not an allergy; I wont keel over and die if I eat it, cursing my beloved Pop Tart as I take my last breath. Nope, my body just doesn't process wheat or gluten well. If I eat it, I feel tired and I usually have a lot of headaches. So what has my solution been for the past 4 years?? EAT LOTS OF YUMMY WHEATY-GLUTEN FILLED FOODS, take naps and enjoy Advil everyday. In other words, ignore it.
So I was diagnosed with this food intolerance almost 6 years ago. I stuck to it for 2 years and I actually lost a lot of weight (no hamburgers and pizza for you when intolerant to wheat.) And it was great. I felt great. I had more energy than I had felt in years. Then I was like, WRU yummy food? So I threw it out the window and drove to the nearest McDonald's.
So now, with great reluctance I am heading back into the world of a wheat-free/gluten-free diet.
Reluctance because when you commit to being wheat-free you give up a lot of normalcy. You don't realize how much wheat flour is used (in rice mixes, soups, soy sauce, ketchup, vinegars, pudding, and pretty much anything with whole grain, multi-grain on the label just to name a few). It's almost impossible to go out to eat with friends. Thankfully I live in California where a lot of people choose a gluten/wheat free lifestyle so many mainstream storms here carry those products. Our lovely local Yogurtland being one of them (thank you Red Cupcake Batter yogurt for being gluten-free!!)
I'll probably post random lovely wheat and gluten-free things I find at the store on my LJ so now you'll know why! It's been 4 years since I actively shopped for those items so here's hoping they have improved in taste since then -_-
gluten free