Advil, Chocolate and running shoes please.

Aug 11, 2011 14:37

So here i am at the park with my wards, Small Stuff and Big Brother. Oh to be carefree and run wildly around the playground. Actually, i just want their metabolisms.

Im having a woe is me Ive gained 7 pounds day. Im also cramping (but on the plus side that also means im not pregnant, something i was fearing) My mind is having a bad day. I cant seem to put into words everything i am feeling. I want kids. But when? Weve been married 5 years. Im turning 28 this year. So what? Plenty of people have kids in their 30s? Why does it bother me? So as you can read, my mind both wants and does not want children presently.

My head is throbing.

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