Honey - Allan and Much

May 12, 2009 23:20

    ‘I’m not being funny Much, but you are a genius!’

‘I’ll take your word for it,’ Much said, placing the pot of freshly collected honey on a shelf.  ‘Now, it is a commonly acknowledged fact that the best use for honey is toast!’ Allan watched as Much cut them each two slices from a fresh, crusty load of bread, and set them to toast over the fire.  They’d had a particularly knackering week, and the mood in the camp had been decreasing in cheeriness by the day.  They were all getting tetchy; even John’s patience had been ebbing.  So as they all went about their tasks, it had not surprised Allan when Much had unexpectedly walked from the camp.  He had now reappeared with a large pot of honey, looking none the worse for wear.

‘Butter that would you?,’ he asked Allan, gesturing with his own butter knife to the toast.  Allan took a knife and the toast, giving Much a speechlessly awestruck look.

‘How’d you get it?’

‘Just a quick trip to the homestead.’  Allan knew he could only mean Locksley Manor, and let out a whistle of admiration.  Much smiled, then began spreading the light golden fluid on the bread.

‘Liquid sunshine,’ he said as it dripped over the bread.  The others were beginning to re-converge on the camp, returning from their various tasks.  They sat around the camp, and Much and Allan handed them their plates.  They had been sat in morose silence, but surprise broke them from their stupor.

‘Is this what I think it is?,’ Kate asked.

‘How did you get this?,’ Robin asked, surprise in his voice, his tone once again cheerful.

‘Ways and means Robin.  Ways and means.’  ‘Ways’ being a trip to Locksley Manor made doubly terrifying by the threat of being stung to death by a hundred bees, and by the 12 or so well armed and horsed guards who, if they had cared to so much as glance in his direction would easily have spotted him.  ‘Means’ being several hours in the forest processing the sticky honeycomb.  John gave Much a proud and happy smile as he bit the crunchy warm bread.  Allan sat happily next to Much, and when he and Much had finished he looked at Much.

‘Ha, you’ve got a bit on you,’ he said, gesturing to a smudge of honey on Much’s lip.

‘Hm?,’ Much said, sticking out his tongue to lick it off.  He gave Allan a questioning look when he thought he’d cleared it.

‘No, still there,’ Allan said, tapping the corresponding place on his own lips.  Much tried again.  The others were now watching as well.

‘Still not got it,’ Allan said, sucking his thumb and then wiping over the honey. Much’s breath was slow and deep as Allan stroked his thumb over his lips.  Allan’s hand went round so he held Much’s jaw, and he leant in, kissing the corner of Much’s lips, licking off the honey.  Much’s hand went to the small of Allan’s back, pushing him closer.  Allan drew back for a moment, and they looked each other in the eyes before their lips met again, and their eyes closed as their tongues joined.  The others looked on is assembled amazement.

‘Much!,’ Robin exclaimed, half in horror, half simple surprise.  John looked surprised, but not unhappy at the turn of events.

‘I could have told you all this would happen,’ Tuck said, his mouth open in shock despite his assurances of foresight.  As their kisses became more desperate, their breath quickening, Allan pushed Much down so he lay on the bunk.  Kate and Robin found themselves rather aroused by the scene that was unfolding.

‘I think we better go,’ John said, as Much and Allan began to undo each other’s shirts.

‘Yep,’ Robin said.

‘Yes, good, lets,’ Kate said, still unable to tear her eyes from Much and Allan.

‘It would be tactful,’ Tuck said, standing up.  The others all stood, as Much took Allan, who was straddling him, in his arms and sat up, kissing him on the neck, and down the collar bone, and all over his chest.

‘Right, best go,’ John said, turning from the camp.  Tuck walked beside him.  Robin watched them a moment longer, the confusion of seeing Much with someone else clear in his eyes, but his appreciation becoming increasingly obvious in his trousers.  He walked after John and Tuck, then realised that Kate was not walking with them.  He turned, and saw her standing watching Allan and Much, her lips parted, her hand on her neck.
   ‘Come  on!,’ he said, taking her by the hand and leading her in the opposite direction to John and Tuck.  So Allan and Much were left to their frolicking, their lips caressing each other’s bodies, and all trace of honey now cleaned from Much’s lips.

robin hood, allan/much, fic

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