Sod it, I must review!

May 03, 2009 00:22

Wow, that was annoying.  Was writing, pressed back in the wrong place, just lost a load of review.  That's squeeing I'll never get back!

Basically it was just me ranting on about how brilliant Toby Stephens is.  I believe he may well have been made for this role, as he seems to really 'get' the mood of the show, and it seems to be forgotten that aside from being great at villains in general, the man is hillairious!  Him and Guy at the beginning, wow!  This episode is really giving the slashers an easy time isn't it?!  Ridiculous how horny this episode was in general.  And Much is cute, and Allan is cute, together they are utterly cute, it's just cute and lovely and adorable and great in general.  The rest of the show could be pants, but as long as we got Allan and Much moments, I would still watch.

On the subject, I find is highly suspicious that they keep appearing from nowhere.  Or, as I am about to put forward, somewhere!  The rest of the gang are hanging about, and one of them will run up from somewhere, and they'll have news.  Are they on watch?  Or is there something more interesting going on?  Much seems to have just been wondering around the forest, Allan was somewhere near Loxley, it's all too easy.  it wouldn't take a particularly enquiring mind to realise that what is really going on is that they have been off together having amazing sexy time, and are doing the 'discreet' thing of returning one after another.  They're just not turning up together to ensure the others aren't too suspicious.  Clearly that is what is going on.  Are, the loveliness!

The swordfights on this show do get a little tedious, even with Allan's newfound two sword thing, which seems to have sprung from nowhere, especially as they still haven't bothered to update the official site, and so Allan's 'weapon of choice' (Bootsy Collins, or for that matter Fatboy Slim anyone?) is still listed as longbow.  Silly Beeb!  I love how it took Kate quite a while to actually collapse too.  I don't know, I've never been stabbed, it may well be that I too would stand around for a while getting used to the fact that I'd been stabbed.  Maybe I'm just being too harsh on her.  I'm not actually minding her too much anyway, I think the new hair is taking effect already!  The stupid plait seems long gone, thank goodness!  I LOVE that physician!  Why can he not become a running feature of the show?  My goodness, maybe he will?!  He's terribly amusing, and his hair is wonderful!  In the gang's general defence, we can pretend that their adrenaline gets going so much from their little swordfights that you lose track of things.  Like whether your main love interest and only female gang member is alive or not.  Hooray for Much for realising, and hooray for the way him and Allan ran to her, was lovely.  Poor Kate.  See, that's how much I like her now, I feel sorry for her!  Although she's terribly lucky to have Allan and Much after her, should realise this instead of mooning over Robin all the time, and ask them to have a threesome with her, which would simultaneously solve the problem of them liking her, and being totally over the moon about eachother, which they clearly are.  Jumping ahead, but note how they walked off together when Robin was busy snogging Isabella?  They took a little break on the way back to camp, I'm sure.

Tuck is kind of great and everything, but am not liking him as much as I thought I would. One thing I'm blaming it on is the fact that dear David Harewood does not seem to have realised that he is not in a theatre.  Projecting is all well and good, but there is a time and a place for everyhing.  I feel sorry for whoever has to stand next to him, he must be so very loud!  Hurrah for John being smart again, and getting lines, and generally being cool.  That guy's great.  Loved the little scene with Much feeding Kate, and then we got a rare near close up on him and Robin.  Now all we need is Allan and Much close ups.

This review is terribly badly put together, huge apologies, but I just keep remembering moments when I squeed.  Much not being able to count, what's with that?!  He really can't be that simple, surely?!  Not after years hanging round Robin, he must at least have picked up how to count?!  But the way he said it was so cute.  Dear fellow.  Perhaps Allan should teach him how to count.  I hear a plot bunny hopping this way.  I've got to say I'm hugely impressed with Lara Pulver too.  She seems to be fitting in really well, and she is a far more interesting character than Kate so far.  And, as stupid as Robin is (and I have to say I'm not finding him particularly attractive in this series), I do like the chemistry between her and Robin, it's a really interesting dynamic for them to look at, although I do hope they deal with it well, because it could become cliched and silly.  Would be good if she did try to show some sort of loyalty towards Guy, because no matter how crap he is, he's still her brother and all.  Anyway, we'll just have to wait and see!  Her and Toby Stephens together was just too good, such a good mix!  And I'm usually not too happy when they have scenes with just new characters.  But they pulled it off so well.  The scene with her playing out her story was terrific, although PJ did get particularly pantomine.  I love the way Guy and Vasey walked past her when PJ told everyone to leave.  Said so much without actually doing anything at all.  Very amusing.  I love how smooth The Sheriff was with PJ as well, he can just lie through his teeth so perfectly!  All the Vasey and Guy stuff was hillarious, but well enough put together that it worked well despite the hillarity.  The waving thing after they'd both tried and failed to kill eachother was rather childish, especially considering how adult the rest of the show was, but it still made me laugh.  Knew the Sheriff wouldn't be dead, and the tooth thing made me scream with laughter.  I laughed a lot at tonight's show, for the right reasons, so this was the best episode so far I think.

Church burning was a bit crazy, although it did make me think of the evil Harold!  But it was pretty awesome to look at, and I think they worked the photography of that bit quite well.  Framed some pretty nice shots.

To sum up, I think this was pretty spiffing.  Although Robin seems to be taking a bit of a back seat.  He helps do the plans and what not, and he's got the Isabella thing, but at least from where I'm sitting, I didn't notice him too much.  But that's probably just me getting distracted by Much and Allan.  Actually rather thought about them having a threesome with Kate when there was that rather nice shot of them sitting over her, the worried little ducks.  I'm sounding rather too pervy tonight anyway, but never mind!  I am once again looking forward to the next episode, not worrying what sacrilege the writers will next write, so it's all good!  Hurrah for a rather wonderful episode, and let's rejoice at the casting of Toby Stephens and Lara Pulver!

robin hood, reviews

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