And the sheep says...

Feb 01, 2010 22:05

Alas! A fandom meme. Everyone else was doing it. :D

01. The first character I fell in love with: Honestly? Iroh. When I very first heard of Avatar, I found most of the kids annoying just by virtue of being in a "kids' show." I've learned better.

02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Ozai. <3 Mmph. Also Teo. That was a love that grew over time.

03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: Katara. And ... it's not that I hate her. I just don't like to write her. And I'm not particularly entertained by her in the show. There is little rhyme or reason to this dislike. *shrugs* I feel kind of the same about Aang.

04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Er ... maybe Zhao? Again, I'm not sure if I LOVE him, per se, but I do like writing him. Mmm, evil bastard with a side of dastardly.

05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: I ... don't think I've really fallen out of love with anybody yet. Actually I just keep liking people better.

06. The character I would shag anytime: D: The choices! I might just copy beckyh2112 and say Piandao because MMMPH, YES. But I would also do Ozai, were he not terrifying. And I would be so gay for Jun. And, uh, would possibly jump on Iroh.

07. The character I want to be like: I wouldn't mind being like Suki ... a tough girl who's willing to speak her mind to a guy she likes and who fights right alongside all the guys. I guess the same goes for Mai, for similar reasons. I also admire Piandao for going against the common grain and for standing up for his convictions and for being kickass awesome.

08. The character I'd slap: Jeong Jeong. Snap out of it, man! (Ditto to you, Jet. No more bugfuck insane, okay?)

09. A pairing that I love: Anyone/everyone. Moresomes, slash, femslash, het, old people ... any and all of the above.

10. Two pairings that I hate: I'm going to have to agree with Bex again on the Iroh/Ursa (actually, most Ursa pairings that aren't with Ozai tend to bore me a little. But that's more of an issue with how authors portray Ursa's character. I can't STAND Saint Ursa.).

Also Zuko/Katara. I'd read it if I could find a fic that I actually really wanted to read, but so far it's mostly boring things I've found.

11. Favorite character: D: DIFFICULT CHOICES! Probably Sokka.

12. My six favourite characters: Mai, Ozai, Sokka, Piandao, Teo, Appa. (Man, it was hard narrowing it down that much.)

13. My five least favourite characters: I ... jeez. This question kind of hurts. I guess if I'm pressed ... Katara, Yue (way to lead a guy ON, girlfriend), that jerk from "The Avatar State" (again stolen from Bex), the ONE GIRL in the show who doesn't fall for Sokka (haiku girl?), and ... maybe Kuei? (All this keeping in mind that "least favorite" is relative, and just happen to be on the other end of the "I like it!" scale than my favorites.)

14. Which character I am most like: Hama. :3 No, honestly, I'm probably most like Professor Zei, or that one nerdy kid that the Gaang questions outside of Ba Sing Se University. I'm the sort of person who would probably be happy spending an eternity in Wan Shi Tong's library. <3

15. My deep, dark fandom secret: Secrets? I have few secrets. Hrm ... I guess one is that I secretly long for a crossover with Samurai Champloo. With epic swordfights. And merging quests. And Fuu and Sokka bonding over DELICIOUS MEATS. And Jet and Mugen being brothers and TOTALLY NOT COOL WITH IT. And definitely some Yatsuha thrown in because that ninjagirl doesn't get enough play in her OWN fandom.

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