Jul 11, 2006 03:07
I'm going on my solo Central IL tour tomorrow through Saturday or Sunday. I will be visiting Normal, Arthur, and Seneca.
This past week and a half was effing **awesome** and non-stop, and I haven't written about any of it yet cuz I suck, so here's the teaser trailer! (AKA this is a list for me so I remember to write about these things):
~Saturday = Crane Boys Lunch/Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind
~Tuesday = Taste of Chicago Fourth of July
~Wednesday = The Return of Double Featre Night with Steve
~Thursday = Lamplighters
~Friday = Pool party/Drewbu's surprise party/Hunter's/Denny's
~Saturday = Pirates II
~Sunday = Michael James Novak II Adventure Day
~Monday = Meeting Aiden, Snickers, and my cousin's "dollhouse"
...Wow, even writing those little notes made me think HOLY SHIT I love my life. I am one lucky punk. What a wonderful way to end my "summer" before getting a job (which I SWEAR I am getting after my roadtrip, I SWEAR).
Also, you should always tell people you love that you love them, because once you're far away, it's...you know, it's different or whatever. I've always been a firm believer in letting people know how I feel about them (probably stems from my fear of death), but a friend of mine has finally joined me in that mindset, and I'm really touched and proud of him. And if you're reading this, "friend"...thank you for your honesty and love. Even though you're gone, I still think about you every day, and that's not going to change anytime soon, and probably not ever as long as you keep me as entwined in your life as well. You mean the world to me. :-)