UPDATES: (Self-adhesive Bras + Bra Pouch) Supplier Spree #18

Apr 06, 2011 23:03

UPDATES: (Self-adhesive Bras + Bra Pouch) Supplier Spree #18

_spreee link: http://community.livejournal.com/_spreee/2958024.html
*There will be only 1 mass meetup to help you all save on postage fees.

Choa Chu Kang MRT - 10April2011, 1PM

~ Spree-ers who opt for the mass meetup, pls do turn up & be punctual. I will not wait more than 10MINS as I'm rushing off for class.
If you cannot make it for the meetup, please inform me the day before collection day, and you will have to collect your items via post (normal/registered).
You will need to top-up for the postage fees incurred.
Please bring your own carriers to contain your items.  ~ 
I would stongly advise registered mail as I am not responsible for any lost mail.
*Appreciate it greatly if you kindly leave me a feedback after receiving your item. Pls leave your precious feedback at the community/place you spree-ed at.
For _spreee feedback
*Many thanks for your participation in my spree. *I reserve the rights to make any ammendments in the info. above. *Note: All comments involving personal info. are screened for privacy purposes.

If you have not paid for postage, do look below for the shipping units & post a comment with your payment details along with your address using the format.

1 Silica Gel Extra Sticky Adhesive Bra - 1.5 shipping unit (Silica Gel Adhesive Bra is slightly heavier)
All other items - 1.0 shipping unit
+ 1 Shipping Unit = S$1.00
+ 1.5 ~ 2 Shipping Units = S$1.50
+ 2.5 ~ 4 Shipping Units = S$2.55
+ 4.5 or more Shipping Units = To be advised

For normal mail = Postage + $0.50 handling fees 
Registered mail = Postage + $0.50 handling fees + $2.24 registered fee

★How to make payments:
POSB SAVINGS acct no. : 063-38686-3
NO interbank transfers as these transfers take a long time to cross over funds.
For iBanking, pls use your LJ nick when making transfer and note down the reference number.
I accept ATM transfers (within 4 hours of posting orders only) !! Pls note down time, date, transaction reference number.

Options for items collection
Pls state your choice of option by leaving comment in correct format below. 
Option 1: Mass meet-up.
Location: CCK MRT
Pls choose a secret password (4 numbers of your own preference) so that I can verify who you are that day.
Please bring your own carriers to contain your items. Option 1LJ nick/real name:
Option: Mass meetup
Secret password: (4digits)
H.P. No.:
No of bra(s):
Option 2: By mail
Pls indicate a real name for the parcel to be addressed or else it will be addressed to your LJ nick instead.
For those who have not paid for postage, you will need to top-up for your postage fees. Spree-er have to bear the costs of special requests like bubble-wrap/post-pacs/security envelopes, etc.
Option 2LJ nick/real name:
Option: By mail
Type: Normal/Registered
No of bra(s):

Items mailed

1 genl/ Genevieve - RR626605384SG
2 jener
3 thesoulmate/christine lee
4 tayshuyun / Shuyun - RR626605383SG
5 Crystal
6 qaiyimah / N.Qaiyimah
7 pspawn/Pearlyn
8 flyve / Louisa
9 yingyingying / yingying - RR626605385SG
10 ms_even
11 chewymunchies/Esther
12 rainy_wen

1. i-heartjane/Jane Choo
2. sheila_jang / Sheila
3. Vicole /o0afr0dite0o - RR626605743SG
4. eileenlaw / Eileen
5. rolltomato/Vivianne
6. nakedscreams/Crystal

1. fish_house/yujia

1. jothemojo / Jo-Ann
2. woodenboxes / Soongfee

1. Laixp/ Xiuping

1. luisthelu / luelle
2. crayonsinmyhead/ jeannette

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