You might sense a theme throughout these caps...
Not very dial-up friendly: the pics aren't big on their own, but there are a lot of them
He's so pretty.
So so pretty.
And cute!
Did I mention cute?
She is feeling so uncomfortable.
He's still just cute.
Pretty and angry.
He looks so evil here, I love it.
Oh, Trip...I mean, Connor...I mean, Michael...I mean...
Seriously digging Teyla's top here. It's the promo-shots top! Finally!
Looking a little evil again.
I like how he tilts his head, very Wraith.
I'm thinking that here he isn't just reaching out to sniff the blood. *sticks to that story*
*wibbles* Am not on the Wraith's side. Am not.
Grrr, baby, grrr.
I love how that was shot.
And I love the make-up.
"Then we shall be enemies again."
"We never stopped being enemies."
Sigh. *Good* ep.
I love it when SGA makes me spam my LJ.
If you want any caps, feel free to snag, no need to credit.