(no subject)

Jun 21, 2007 01:47

I'm sick and tired of these lame animal rights kids walking around supporting PETA... NO I am not against animal rights, I believe that animals should be treated fairly... I just think that PETA shouldn't be supported because they are just a bunch of ignorant assholes brainwashing the impressionable youth of today... and i hope that i can enlighten whoever reads this to think twice about supporting them, OR i would like to hear reasons that try to make sense of my claims... :)...

Here we go... Reasons PETA sucks...

1. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals... notice the word Ethical... so these people are supposed to be "Ethical"... then why do they firebomb testing facilities... The government calls it "Eco-Terrorism", they call it "Ethical"... If being an arsonist is considered "Ethical", then what does it take to be considered a monster?

2. PETA protests dog pounds... such as the ones in the Los Angeles district overseen by a Jerry Greenwalt... PETA says that the killing of animals is unethical and is wrong in society today... (read number 5)

3. PETA wants to outlaw: fishing, circus's, horse riding, and zoo's... they even oppose the use of service animals, and household pets...

4. PETA pays bail for Firebombers that get thrown in jail for setting buildings on fire in the name of animal rights... but if someone lit a fire in the name of Alah, everyone would shit there pants... but it's for animals, so it's all right...

5. Because PETA is a tax exempted organization, their tax returns are a matter of public record... which means that the public can access their tax records... looking through them, you can see that they spent 10,000 dollars for a 10 x 15ft walk-in freezer... now why would PETA need a freezer that big?... If you find the right documents you will see that PETA has an area at their headquarters made specially to put animals to sleep (this is what the freezer is used for)... PETA openly says that they saved 2103 animals last year... It was recorded that PETA put 1325 animals to sleep last year at the HEADQUARTERS... Why would PETA protest an place that puts dog's to sleep, when they themselves do it from their headquarters... fucked up... i think so...

6. PETA violenty opposes the use of animal testing to save human lives... as stated above, people affiliated with PETA have set fires to animal testing facilities... but for some reaon, Mary Beth Sweetland (Vice President of PETA) feels that it's all right for her to use insulin (medice used daily to save the lives of Diabetics) on a daily basis... oh yeah, just incase you didn't know, animal testing has been used in the advancement of insulin over the years... So HER people firebomb the places that animal testing is used while she takes the benefits coming from these test facilites... FUCK PETA... bunch of hypocrites...

After stumbling upon all of this information, I laugh at anyone who supports PETA... If you have ANY explinations for these acts, i would LOVE to hera them...

I hope that more people become enlightened about what PETA really does...
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