May 12, 2010 21:18
Why one would ask?
Well today I went to my old highschool to help a friends daughter get a place for her entry exam. No one could help me, I tried everything I could do and nothing worked. I got so mad that I didn't even want to go and finish school, even though there wasn't any reason to go, because throughout the whole day, there was nothing but conferences. Mostly about the recent earthquakes in Mexicali. I came to a point were I started to relax.
Just a few hour ago, I was supposed to go to a soccer game, but I had to stay at home at watch my little sister. I couldn't just leave her, so I stayed, hoping that my dad or my grandmother would come home and take care of her. In the end no one came on time, so I couldn't attend.
Mom came back from her evening class, and up until now I have heard not one simple thank you for helping her friend's daughter. I shouldn't get mad, I know I shouldn't. It just seemed really unfair to me. Tomorrow I'm gonna face my soccer team and take the heat for not going. Oh well things happen, one just has to take it maturely.
Well at least tomorrow I'll have time to draw a little and study for some makeup tests.