Long overdue for a Waffle update!
He has been back from the vet for about 2 weeks now. He is still sleepy, and eating his prescription wet food, but he's doing a million times better. His incision is healing very nicely, though almost none of his fur has come back in yet. So he still has a naked belly and naked forearms. It's sorta cute, actually.
He's on 4 different prescription medications. Two are once a day, one is twice a day, and one is three times a day. Due to my obsession with numbers and patterns I easily devised a med schedule. But it means that my days are defined by when he gets them. Not so much of a problem, really, especially since I have no job, still(Legends is a no-go, after making me waste money to come in for a fucking half hour useless interview). One was every day for a week then every other day from then on, and that helps some. Another is done with this Saturday and the other two only have another week or so left.
Unfortunately, the every other day med, Prednisone, will be something he has to take the rest of his life. Of course, it's the one he hates the most. We also found out he has something called Adrenal Gland Disease, which will require implants every few months at best, at worst, a pretty serious surgery. We'll know how that's going in about two months.
On to some Waffle pictures!
That's Jeff, by the way :D
I haven't done much of anything else besides Waffle-care. He's an expensive and time-consuming little booger and I love taking care of him. We just got an outdoor playpen for him, and tomorrow will be his first day outside, running about, for more than a few minutes at a time. It'll be exciting!
I've been staying at Jeff's for a week at a time lately, since we've figured out that we can keep Waffle here. It's been really nice, being in a house where everything works, things aren't filthy, and there's often some sort of food about. I just can't wait to get a job.. the one I'm trying for now(or will be trying for soon) is full time filing/paperwork/etc stuff for anywhere from 11 to 14 an hour. The trip will be hell, but you know, I just want to be able to feed myself, seriously. I also owe Jeff about 3 months worth of groceries, and then $1100 in vet bills.