My Month Is Planned Out

Sep 09, 2010 07:20

Wow; I'm booked.

This weekend is my MST meetup; the girlfriend will be my +1. This won't be the first time I've used the meetup as a date. (Sunday's clear if anyone wants to do something.)

A week from tomorrow I will be leaving with LG for Boston; we'll be hopping in her car with tunes, luggage and entertainment to learn whether our friendship can withstand thirteen hours in a car together. Also, Boston should be fun, as will New York.

I'll be getting back a couple days before my birthday. Ordinarily I'd have plans made, but this year the road trip is my birthday celebration. Also, the girlfriend has laid claim to the day itself. Also, there's a housecooling party I'll be attending if the Boston trip doesn't go overlong.

I do have some free time during the weeks, but my weekends are just packed.
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