They're No Longer Watching Me...

Nov 03, 2009 20:50

... or maybe they never were and my silence was borne of laziness. In any case, I'm planning to post more.

Updates since my last post of consequence:

At work, things are going fantastic. There's a slow but consistent improvement in my performance, and both my boss (rbh) and my supervisor(wlj) have occasionally informed me that they're both really quite pleased with my work. On top of that, rbh has, in the last few months, told me (I may have posted about this) that I'm the only one in the lab he would trust to take his job when he retires (in 10 or 15 years), and that he thinks I'm at least as smart as he is (quite the confession considering our diametrically opposed politics). More recently was our company anniversary party. Honorable mention goes out to Stacey, who suggested Second City, but then got sick and couldn't attend (her reward for suggesting it). In her place, polymorphism joined me. Dinner was largely uneventful -- we got there a little too late to sit with anyone I really know that well -- but at the show, we sat next to my boss, who decided that he likes my sister and wants her to work for him should something open up. We're shooting him her resume, so here's hoping business keeps picking up! Then she can move out!

At home, it's less exciting, but good. The apartment is staying reasonably clean, the kitchen is finally coming together and after a couple of months of being unable to keep the kitchen clean and thus needing to eat out all the time, we're back on track with the cooking and stuff. I haven't been to a fast food place in a week (save the trip to Wendy's so I'd have eaten something before going shopping -- doesn't count) and it's been almost three weeks since I've eaten out on consecutive days. This is timely, for financial reasons.

On a personal front, things are going well. Among the people I invited to join me in Stacey's place before polymorphism was Mindy, who organizes the MST meetup I joined. We've been emailing back and forth, she invited me to her The Room party a week after my birthday (and of course I attended!), and now I'm her assistant organizer in the meetup group. I like Mindy, and she told me that I'm really funny. I already know that, of course, but it's always nice to hear. I'm hoping to hang out with her more; she's coming to my party on the 14th.

More personally, I'm still seeing LG -- intermittently because she's insanely busy, and probably a little moreso now that money's a bit more of an issue -- my weirdness with J is dealt with -- we're just going to hang out occasionally -- and now I'm reciprocating a crush from my flist. I'm generally pleased with the state of most of my friendships, too, though some of you I mean to see more often.

Also, I finished Batman: Arkham Asylum. It kicks so much ass. It's got a good chunk of replay value, mostly for the stealth and combat mechanics -- the story isn't particularly memorable, though it's good enough to warrant a play-through or two -- fortunately the challenges meet any taste you might have for the stealth and combat missions. I've moved on to some older games, starting with Assassin's Creed.

I'm also reading Richard Dawkins's newest, The Greatest Show On Earth: The Evidence For Evolution. It's a pretty strong book, and Dawkins's prose is engaging enough that the dry spots are still easy to read.

Now I'm looking for part-time work to fill out my finances. Wish me luck, and if anyone has a line on something I can do two or three evenings a week, send it my way!

books, people who don't suck, movies, the ladies, diet

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