I recently upgraded my LJ account to the free one with ads. I figured they wouldn't bother me as long as they weren't flashy ads that slowed down my scrolling, and so far it hasn't been a bother. I've even seen ads for things I would buy.
Most recently, an ad for the online store
Things From Another World promising a copy of the Joss Whedon-scribed miniseries, Serenity: Better Days, issue #1. I bought the second and third at my comic shop, and at "Can't Stop the Serenity," I bid on and won copies of all three issues autographed by Joss Whedon -- which I obviously have no intention of reading. So the opportunity faced me to get a copy of this elusive comic (elusive in that the comic shop took them in and sold out of them during the three months that I didn't visit the store -- I'm sure more regular comic shoppers would have done a better job), and I clicked the link. What did they have? The second and third issues, plus the trade paperback collected edition.