Mar 30, 2004 15:35
Ummm…sane ramblings …heh…right…lets try this…^.^ today I was late to school because I slept last night and my alarm clock is stupid and didn’t go off and the whole way to school (my mom had to take me) I had to listen to my mom bitch at me for sleeping late. Rant! And so I was late and had to sit in tardy all period because the AP’s never showed up *kills* Rant! …not that I really wanted to be in class but I kind of need to pass because if I don’t pass I don’t go to south Padre *whines* and I’m in great danger of failing so I kinda need to be in there….anyway…ummm…. *thinks* In 3rd period today some dumbass put gum in my hair Rant! Umm… I skipped advisory today and to 4th lunch went outside and talked to Megan, Andrew, Melissa, Talis, and had the usual name battle with Stephanie ^ ^ …I have Saturday D-hall cuz Ragsdale is a stupid bastard and Wafford’s a bitch Rant! Anyway.. that was my day… hmm..ran into my skitzo partner at the library ^ ^ that’ll be explained on my DJ cuz its nowhere -NEAR- sane ^ ^ *grins* anyway…this was really boring no? If you want the fun more insane version of events you have to wait until I post it on my deadjournal ^.^ so…uh… Bai! *wanders off*
Note: I know I don’t have a rant journal yet…but the rants are already written and will go up ASAP