Sep 11, 2009 10:12
Oh man. OH MAN. Sometime today, I'm due a shipment from Toys R Us of Buneary and Wobbuffet plushies. If you squeeze 'em, they taaaaaaalk. I AM SO EXCITED. OH LORD, MY EMOTIONAL CAPSLOCK BUTTON IS STUCK AND I AM KANYE WESTING ALL OVER THE PLACE ABOUT POKEMON TOYS.
Also, for the first time in ages, I had a sound night's sleep. ^_^ 11pm to 7:30am, no waking up. I think it's partly because I worked really hard at physical therapy (fixing my aggravated plantar fascia) and wore myself out. Also, I bundled up in thicker jimjams, so maybe staying warmer helped. I don't know the reason and I don't care - it's just nice to not feel bleary.