[PUBLIC] Degrassi 906: Wanna Be Startin' Something

Oct 12, 2009 12:57

In the last episode we saw the start of two dangerous relationships. This time we saw the fall out of two dangerous relationships. What will it be next time? Oh yeah, the conquences of a dangerous relationship, right?! XD

So far I think this was my favorite episode of the season so far (not that there have been a lot of episodes...). Took me a while to write this though...
Degrassi: The Next Generation 906: Wanna Be Startin' Something

A-Plot Summary: Holly J and Jane have formed a new bond and business partnership recently. But Jane and Declan's secret affair threatens to tear the friendship apart.

A-Plot Review: This episode was a lot more interesting than its predecessor. I ended up not liking Jane and Declan as much as I thought I would so I was glad that in the end Jane broke it off with him. I liked the Spolly J friendship and I'm actually glad they'll be staying just friends. I hope that the Jane/Holly J friendship is something we'll see for the rest of the season. And I think it will be.

I thought the Blue J break up was set up for Spolly J, but I think that this whole situation was needed to bring Declan and Holly J together. I'm actually really excited to see this relationship develop. They do have ChuckXBlair vibes about them, but I hope that they aren't going to be a Gossip Girl copy. They have a lot of good potential. I think Declan could easily put up with all of Holly J's sides.

And in the end Spinner still doesn't know Jane hooked up with Declan... I'm sure he'll be finding out at some point this season. I was really glad Holly J didn't tell him though.

I did feel for Declan a little when Jane blew him off in the lunch room. He seemed so sad. I think he liked Jane more than he let on. We know from the movie pics that Declan and Jane have further interaction so I'll be curious what that's like.

So far this season has showed a lot of improvement with the writing of the actual scripts in terms of dialog. Once again this episode had fabulous one liners. Although my favorite was:
Blue: There's no I in Team.
Holly J: There is in bite me!
I'm not going to lie, I'm loving Holly J's attitude this season. It's a good mix of her season 7 mean girl and the honest caring side she showed last season.

This episode also featured the babysitting plot Holly J's character description mentioned. Seems like this will be an ongoing plot device as well. Too bad Mia left this season, just when there's finally someone around to watch Izzy. I thought it was cute that the Niner girls were involved in this as well. I especially liked the scene with Holly J and Jane demanding money from the girls as they walked by. I'll be curious if this comes up in any of the other girls' plots or if it is dropped after this episode.

Some things that bothered me in this plot:

- The scene with Holly J, Anya, and Leia eating lunch together bugged me. Sure Holly J and Leia had an understanding last season with a mutual dislike for Mia, but I just don't buy them as friends. Holly J is just too cool to associate with a loser like Leia. And although Anya and Leia probably hang out a lot because their boyfriends, at the sleepover last season they didn't seem to get along, what changed?

- Anya annoyed me this whole episode. Her life does revolve around her boyfriend. I was glad Holly J and Jane told her off. She needs a major wake up call. Can't wait till she gets it!

- Degrassi has a swim team now too? >.>

- Oh god even the five seconds of Jenna made me want to puke. No lie. I hope she drops this happy cheery sunshine act soon.

B-Plot Summary: At school, Dave is a nobody. His goal for this year is to change that by making a name for himself. But when he asks his cousin Chantay to write an Anti-Grapevine article about him, she tells him he has to prove he's blog worthy all on his own. Will taking down the school bully finally earn Dave a spot among the elite, or just a black eye?

B-Plot Review: So first off, I can now officially say Dave is my favorite S9 new kid! I knew from the promos it was bound to happen at some point. But Declan's snappy one liners gave him a run for his money in the opener. By the end of this episode it was official Dave > Declan.

The plot itself was very reminiscent of the JT/Spinner prank war from season 3. But I don't think that worked against it much. It was hilarious on its own. I thought it was nice that we got to see all the different stages of the fight. I loved the end where everyone was congratulating him and Johnny ruffled his hair, so cute!

Dave also has his own theme music which is pretty cool considering this is only his third episode. Better yet his theme is "I Know What I Am" by Band of Skulls. How cool is that?!

So this was basically Chantay's first plotline, or at least this is the first time she's played a major part in a plot. A round of applause to her, it only took her five seasons to make it happen. I was on the fence about her being a regular, but I think she was okay in this one. Her back and forth banter with Dave was pretty cute.

I know it was one scene but boy did I love me some DaveXAlli!!! Dave's one of those characters that is just so ship-able. DaveXJenna, DaveXClare... I think I'd ship him with everybody. Heck, I'm even game for some DaveXKC slash at this point so if anyone is writing that please point me in the right direction please and thank you.

I liked Connor's cameo too. Still hope for a Dave/Connor friendship.

Final Thought: Does anyone else think it's sad that Danny, Sav, Anya, and Chante are the coolest kids in school?

And remember guys, Dave is #1~


On the Next Degrassi...
903: Shoot To Thrill
Promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF2n0QYiYyw
Summary: (from Teennick) Alli discovers the joys of photography -- and the consequences of taking naked pictures.
Speculation: I am so psyched for this episode! I am really glad they chose to do a sexting plot this season and I think Alli was the perfect choice to do the story with. We've already seen that Jalli breaks up (*sadness*) but I'm excited for their scenes. I'm very curious to see Sav's role here, since it looks like the whole school will find out about the photos.

On an unrelated note, I found out my mom who watches Degrassi as well is not a fan of Klare. She's anti-Klare. In fact it sounds like she's rooting for KC/Jenna. She also thinks Clare is ugly and "needs a major makeover." She's pretty biased against ClareXanyone because she thinks Clare isn't ready for a relationship.
More evidence that we are not actually related.


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