My tweets

May 17, 2019 12:00

  • Thu, 21:54: RT @ racheline_m: I love Colbert, and I want more cis men to speak out in favor of abortion rights, but why am I listening to four white dud…
  • Thu, 21:55: RT @ goingonajournie: took my mom to detective pikachu she said she liked the “garlic pokemon”
  • Thu, 22:07: Since some men think it’s okay to make decisions about women and women’s bodies, I propose a poll.... Should we ca…
  • Thu, 22:08: RT @ CiannaLaelx: it’s so illogical to me that a fetus the size of a bean has more protection than a kindergartener with an assault rifle po…
  • Thu, 22:08: RT @ GeorgeTakei: Only in America could abortions get banned faster than assault rifles.
  • Thu, 22:48: RT @ SueinRockville: @ AOC If men could get pregnant there would be more abortion clinics than Starbucks Republcan men are obsessed with wome…
  • Thu, 22:49: RT @ LiberalVenom: @ GovParsonMO Does this bill include mandatory vasectomies for teenaged boys that could be reversed in adulthood after pas…
  • Thu, 22:49: RT @ soledadobrien: Not the racism, not the kids in cages, not the general crazy, not even the chronic lying. The 3rd iteration of the ‘trad…
  • Thu, 22:51: RT @ RobAnderson2018: Nobody “likes” abortions. They are an invasive, traumatic and personal medical procedure between a woman and her docto…
  • Thu, 22:51: RT @ whenyourastar: If Alabama can write up a BS law knowing that it's unconstitutional, doing it anyhow. I think blue states should ban al…
  • Thu, 22:51: RT @ ForeverHairy: *woman gets legal abortion Republicans: MURDERER! LOCK HER UP! *Man legally buys AR-15 and kills dozens of innocent pe…
  • Thu, 22:53: RT @ alieward: If they care about children why do school teachers have to buy their own supplies why is healthcare a for-profit industry…
  • Thu, 23:00: RT @ Mmaddie21: I’m home visiting my family in Colorado. Look what my mom made me for being accepted to the UConn PhD program! 🔬😍💕 https://t…
  • Thu, 23:00: RT @ acnewsitics: Farmers are now regretting voting for Trump, do you feel bad for them?
  • Thu, 23:01: RT @ everywhereist: You know what? Vasectomies are reversible. Why not just make all men get them? And then if they're truly ready to be a f…
  • Thu, 23:02: RT @ alvysingertwitt: @ everywhereist @ Wonkette Great! It’s like my plan to have all men give blood samples to a nat’l database so paternity…


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