meme day 25

Mar 17, 2011 10:28

  • Day 25 - someone who fascinates you and why.
  • Day 26 - what kind of person attracts you.
  • Day 27 - a problem that you have had.
  • Day 28 - something that you miss.
  • Day 29 - goals for the next 30 days.
  • Day 30 - your highs and lows of this month
Hmmm...  well to be honest I don't really get fascinated in people.  I realize we live in a media culture that focuses on individuals as objects of interests, but I'm not really like that.  I don't really follow media trends, I don't know which actors are dating who, I don't keep up on the latest exploits.  And on the other side of that coin, I've never really been one to be absorbed into historical figures.  I understand the merits of studying them, but I miss the point of being obsessed by them.  Like, I don't understand people who major in History with a focus on...  JFK let's say.  Isn't it enough to understand the impact one individual made without having to go into great detail about their lives?

So really there is no one individual that would, say, have me googling their name repeatedly or reading a wikipedia article about them.  Maybe not even reading a book about them if I didn't have to/it didn't appeal to me in some way.  I just... I don't get interested in the people per say, I get interested in the concepts.  Like, I think Lady Gaga is interesting, but not because she is interesting, but the way she presents herself is interesting.  I don't particularly care about her as a person at all like who she is dating or what she is wearing, I'm interested in the ways she is presenting herself to the media in order to generate sales.  Like, how she pretends to be just another crappy blonde pop star when she obviously can sing well and is classically trained on the piano because the pop star sells better.  That's interesting to me.  Maybe not fascinating though.

I just don't see why I should be interested in the lives of famous people I guess.  There are plenty of regular people around me that I want to be interested in, and it's way more rewarding.

Though if I have to pick someone, I guess I'll just throw out dinolich .  Because she is interesting and I do pay attention to what she is doing.  Actually I'm always impressed by how talented she is and has been for as long as I've known her, and she's younger then me (not A LOT younger then me, but still younger).  I guess I just get amazed by people younger then me who accomplish great things.  I know age is not a defining factor for talent or skill, but it doesn't stop me from feeling impressed when they are able to accomplish things earlier or greater then I ever could.  It's neat.  And it's cool to have someone like that as a friend.  So maybe "fascinated" is still the wrong word, and I don't have an answer.  But whatever.  I'm done trying to figure one out.


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