Being tired all the time is the pits.

Feb 04, 2013 12:49

Goals of the Week:
- Finishing something for Sewing Circle
- Finishing the Doctor Who scarf
- Photograph finished sewing circle items

Progress on Last Week's Goals:
- Getting my Yarn organized - Complete.  Yarn was all balled and sorted.
- Helping Katie with her wedding invitations  - Announcements were addressed, stuffed, and sent.  Invitations proper are all addressed, but she needs help with some graphic design before she stuffs them.  They will be sent in a few months.
- Finishing something for Sewing Circle - Didn't finish.

What has been happening to me?
I spent the week doing a lot of knitting and watching a lot of anime.  Rewatched Madoka Magica, finished Wolf's Rain.  Madoka is a show I really enjoy, but Wolf's Rain was something that I watched a little of in high school and never finished.  I remember liking it, but not enough to pursue it like I did other series at the time.  In high school watching anime was a huge investment for me.  I didn't have access to watching things on TV, so I had to buy stuff blindly, and a lot of times I had to buy episodes out of order if I wanted to get them all.  I owned a few Wolf's Rain DVDs, but they were far apart.  It didn't give me a good picture of the series as a whole.  Now that I've seen the whole thing I know that I didn't give it a fair chance.  I don't know if I liked the show.  I have a lot of mixed feelings about it.  Parts of it were really good, parts of it were painfully overdramatic and silly.  I've been told that the show is an allegory but I don't know what the allegory was.  More research will be required, I think.

Other than that I haven't done much.  Just a lot of scarf.

What have I been thinking about?
Ziggy quit his job.  He's worked for the Flame Broiler almost as long as we have been dating.  His boss came to his graduation.  I was so shocked when he quit.

Ziggy was the lone reliable worker at the restaurant.  They try to call him in almost every single day because his coworkers don't show up, or are extremely late.  It's difficult for him to take days off for illness or personal reasons because none of his coworkers will answer their phones.  When he was so sick that he couldn't walk, he had to work.  When his father died, he had to work.  Recently he needed to switch his work schedule so that he could go to school.  He gave them three weeks to alter his schedule.  They didn't.  He then gave them another two weeks to do it, and they told him no.  So he quit.

The day that he quit, before he went to work, I yelled at him about how he shouldn't allow them to give up on changing his schedule because he's their only reliable worker.  There's no reason why he should get punished because his coworkers are bad workers.  I'm worried that the things I said might have inspired him to quit.  Even though the job had gone to shit and he really hated it, he was the only person in his family with a job.  I'm scared he won't be able to find another one fast enough, and it's going to have been partially my fault that he lost the only stable source of income his family had.

What have I been feeling?
Tired.  I'm not sleeping so great, and my joints are all tired and stiff.  I feel like I need some sort of break, but I don't know what kind of break I really need.  When I take relaxing days, I don't feel better.  I feel worse.  Too much time sitting and stewing with my thoughts.  I feel like I need to be up and moving, but I hurt when I do.  I'm not sure what to do.

Any last thoughts?
Two eight hour shifts this week... maybe that's what I need.

mondays, thinking out loud, downer, life, random

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