Lightning in the brain

Jun 13, 2012 21:46

I think I finally figured out the overarching theme I'm trying to tell with my writing.  I know what the endgame is.  I know what my message is.  I've broken through something that's been keeping me from writing for... years.  We'll see what effect it has (if any).

Lately a part of me has been entertaining the notion that instead of writing a novel, I should be drawing a comic.  I think it's my mind trying to rationalize the amount of time I've spent drawing and fine-tuning the character designs over the past 3 years.  I really believe that I lack the discipline and (lets face it) talent to do a comic, no matter what sort of schedule I put myself on.  I get unfocused easily, and I get overwhelmed just as easily.

I know I shouldn't be entertaining the idea.  But it won't leave me alone.

At any rate, maybe now I can at least write something.

cotg, random

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