Murder Mystery Party 2012

Apr 10, 2012 19:23

Wow, I just... wow.  Last night was a total blast.  Major props to yagottrouble for doing this for me.  I know she went through a lot of crap putting this together, but I think it went well.  She did a lot of different stuff then the one I did for her, and I think it really caught everyone by surprise.

The theme for this party was fictional characters.  Everyone got to pick who they were going to come as (actually we picked a batch of 3 and then we were told who to come as).  The set up was that all these characters from different times/places/universes had all been transported by accident into the Victorian laboratory of HG Wells (that would be the fictional Helena G. Wells, not her famous brother the author), and we had to figure out how we were going to get home (or how we were going to prevent that from happening) while also solving a murder that took place after we appeared.

It was very different from our last party's set up because with the exception of the handful of plot characters and two characters that came from the same universe, we did not know each other.  We had to very quickly form alliances with characters that our characters most likely did not understand, and that added a weird dynamic to it.  There were some characters that knew of others because they had read about them, and others which were from similar timelines with radically different outcomes, which added another strange element to it.  Jess did a great job of choosing the characters, I think.

So now onto the pictures!  Just like last time, the characters first.  Also including the character blurbs from the dossiers just in case you have no idea who these characters are.

Helena G. Wells.
Renowned novelist, even though everyone thinks she's a man. Word is she has a man do all her public business, and even some of her writing. She's also a wonderful inventor, even though almost no one knows about the inventions.Even though the character was based on the idea of the HG Wells from Warehouse 13, she went with her own design for it (a sort of mad scientist/Victorian gentlewoman thing) and I think it turned out pretty cute.  The wig was a last minute decision but I think she pulls it off.  She was the host of the evening.

Sir Gawain
A knight in King Arthur's court, Sir Gawain is the epitome of chivalry and honor. He has little patience for the wicked or those who practice "witchcraft"Justin as Sir Gawain from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.  He really made a great knight, he was really chivalrous to all the ladies but could still be really creepy and threatening when it came to those of us who were connected to magic.  He was a paragon of goodness sort of character, but to the point of obsession.  He was a real thorn in the side of the evil characters to be sure.

Bigby Wolf
He is the Big Bad Wolf. Yes, that Big Bad Wolf. The one you grew up hearing about. The one your parents used to scare you into good behavior. Turns out, he's every bit as mean as the stories say. Sure, he might tell you differently, but he's still a monster underneath the human clothes.Morgan as Bigby Wolf.  He sort of got the short stick because we picked characters during that period of time where he was so sick he couldn't even sit up long enough to use a computer, so I picked his character for him.  As a result, he got a character he liked but not really one he liked playing.  He certainly looked the part though.  Apparently he was really into his role too because he "wolfed out" and tried to bite someone at one point (which is way out of character for Morgan but very in character for Bigby).  Unfortunately, he had to be an asshole all night so he didn't make many in-game friends.

Princess Cimorene
The youngest princess from a typical royal family, Cimorene is anything but typical. She works for the King of Dragons and has developed a predilection for magical artifacts. Jessie as the mischievous Princess Cimorene.  She actually made a great Princess because her whole role in the game was to fuck things up for the other characters by stealing items and moving them around, and since Cimorene is well versed in magical objects she was suited for the job.  She was so sweet too, I totally didn't realize she was fucking us over until we got to the end of the game.

Captain Hook
As a pirate captain, Hook has seen and done many evil things in his life, and seen it all with a smile on his face. Even now he continues to chase Peter Pan, hoping to kill the only brat to ever have escaped his clutches.Scott as the Captain.  Sadly, his hook was lost in shipping, so he was more of a "Captain Two-Hands".  He worked with it, though, and blamed it on a quirk of interdimentional travel.  Sadly, Scott was not feeling well so the Captain costume deteriorated over the night until he was just in his regular clothes, but he was a trooper and kept up the persona as long as he could.  He made a very formidable Hook.

Artemis Fowl II
Adorable, intelligent, rich, and precocious. Artemis is a child genius, capable of conning anyone he comes across. Including those of the supernatural persuasion.That's me as Artemis (I actually didn't recognize myself as I was going through the photos lol).  I tried my best to be as much of a 13-year-old-genius-asshat as I could all night.  I don't know how successful I was at it (it's hard to pretend to be smarter then you actually are) but I certainly had a lot of people thinking I was responsible for a lot of the goings on that night (and I was totally only responsible for two of them).

Wendy Darling
After spending many years playing with Peter Pan as a child, Wendy has learned to bend the rules to suit her needs. She is a good person and a sweet girl to boot.Ashley as the darling Wendy Darling.  This was interesting because she was the only character that knew someone else at the party (and of course, they were enemies), and they had an interesting dynamic.  There was this one really amazing moment when Hook told Wendy he didn't believe in fairies and Ash legitimately started crying right on the spot and begging us to clap our hands.  She was freaking amazing, and really into the part (especially since this was her first time with this group).

Irene Adler
Proving that thievery isn't just for men anymore, Irene has reportedly been able to stump the great Sherlock Holmes. She is too much of a free spirit to conform to society.George as the incomparable Irene Adler.  THIS WOMAN AND HER PHENOMENAL BREASTS.  I am not joking, the breasts got to be a plot point for a while.  She was just amazing as Irene, all flirtatious and cunning.  She was set up to be my rival in the game but we had a partnership for a bit.  Too bad we were both planning on murdering each other later in the evening (sadly, it didn't work out).

Dorian Grey
Outside of being devilishly handsome and endlessly narcissistic, not much is known about Dorian Grey. It is said that he has a painting that ages in his stead, but that's only a story. Right?Jim as Dorian Grey.  Sadly, Jim just recently had some very serious knee surgery and so he couldn't walk around.  He was hooked up to a machine that tethered him in one place.  It sort of worked for Dorian though, since his whole deal was that his painting had been stolen and so he was growing weaker and weaker.  I felt bad that Jim couldn't participate as much as everyone else, but he was a good sport about it and I'm glad he still came.

Young, but powerful. As the Avatar, Aang can command the elements to do his bidding. He is a devout monk, and an eternal optimist. He also happens to be extraordinarily childish and loves to go penguin sledding.Josh as Aang.  Sadly, he refused to shave his head for the party (quitter!) but he was happy to let me paint arrows on him.  Jess made his costume, and they both agreed they wanted to do a more realistic version of it so he wouldn't look...  well, ridiculous.  I think it turned out really awesome.

Knives Chao
Old enough to kick your ass, yet young enough to get her heart broken. Knives is hell-bent on becoming her own woman and showing that fatass Ramona that she's not the biggest badass in town anymore!Jamie as Knives Chao.  She made a delightfully adorable Knives, I couldn't get over it.  She was really good as her too, flitting around the room, getting attached to men she had no business dating.  It was a lot of fun.  I think she had a great time, too.  I think my favorite part is that adorable wig of hers though.  She's more based on the movie version of Knives, but she had the personality of comic Knives down pretty pact.

Hermione Granger
The brightest witch of her generation, Hermione proved herself time and again to balance her love of rules with a vindictive streak to make any Slytherin proud. It's a good thing she can't cast any spells here.Emily as Hermione.  Emily is the best, she flew in for my party!  I mean, I think she also flew in for Easter with her family, but she stayed for my party!  She of course was BORN to play Hermione, she is just so good at it.  There was a little something extra about her that I'll get into later on, but overall she did a really great job, especially since this was her first time at one of these parties.

The Doctor
The last of his kind, the Doctor is a Time Lord. He is aware of time and history in ways our human minds cannot grasp, let alone consider. He is smart and curious and loves mysteries, yet can't seem to figure out how trouble keeps finding him...My brother Dan as The Doctor.  I WISH you guys could have seen him in action.  I am extremely disappointed no one caught him on tape or something because he was fucking STELLAR.  He's running around the room, jumping on furniture, accidentally insulting and complimenting people at the same time, going on and on about time and the nature of time, obsessing over the weirdest things no one else noticed.... he was just brilliant.  It was like Tennant was in the room.  Dan really went all out, everyone loved him (or loved to hate him).

Mary Sanger
HG Wells' lead lab technician, assistant, and right hand. Mary has devoted her young life to science and doesn't have much of a life outside of the laboratory.This is Katie as the murder victim Mary Sanger.  Mary spent most of the pre-game running around talking about a broken time machine and yelling at HG Wells about something very important she had to talk about.  Sadly, she was killed before she could reveal her urgent message.  Katie would come back later as Virginia Lewis from 10th Kingdom/the detective.

Actually I think Katie made a really great detective.  I think she felt a little overwhelmed at first, but she was very thorough and asked a lot of good questions.

Mysterious Jedi
A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far away, there lived a Jedi Master of awesomeness. Or so he says. He can't talk about himself much, for a jedi should be humble. Right.The last character was Bryan as a generic Jedi.  Someone got lazy when it came to choosing characters :P  In all honesty though, Jess pulled through and made it work.

Alright have some random party pictures without text for a bit:

Okay back to text because there was a lot going on at this party beyond the murder.  The trick here was that hardly any of the characters actually cared about the murder.  Most of us were just interested in making the situation work to our benefit, and so our night was spent trying to do exactly that.  Only characters that were morally good, like Bigby Wolf or Sir Gawain, were trying to catch the killer.

For starters, there was Aang and all of the underage girls at the party.  Knives, Hermione, and Wendy were all being CONSTANTLY HIT ON BY Aang (which is funny because Jamie and Josh in the pic above are brother and sister).  Aang wanted to catch the killer, but he also wanted to be liked by the ladies.  Preferably all of the ladies.  Artemis was very jealous, I tried to ruin his chances whenever I could.

Then there was the issue of money and stolen items.  Several characters were drugged at random and had objects stolen from them.  In addition, many items went missing as part of the story.  One of these items was the blueprints to the time machine that brought everyone to the lab.  Irene Adler ended up with these, but I was desperately trying to get them from her all night (to the point that I was ready to get my hands dirty and just kill her myself)

One of the major distractions of the evening came from Dorian Grey.  His painting had been stolen, and most everyone was trying to get it back.  Artemis Fowl was interested in making the situation work to his advantage.  Because I was from his future and I knew the true nature of the painting, I blackmailed Grey for it (which I didn't have) and then I was working with 3 other people to get the painting back... which I was not going to give to him haha.  However, the downside to blackmailing Grey was that EVERYONE THOUGHT I HAD THE PAINTING.  I was constantly being harassed about the painting even though I physically never had it.

Of course I would be amiss if I DIDN'T mention Dan's Doctor freaking DRIVING EVERYONE INSANE.  The screwdriver was constantly out and constantly buzzing to the point where none of the characters could take it anymore.  Then Irene grabbed it out of his hand and put it in her corset!  This wasn't something that was supposed to happen, as the screwdriver was not an official item card, but damn if we didn't use it to our advantage.  There was bartering and money being traded and dirty deals and SO MUCH INNUENDO.  In the end I think the Doctor married Irene to get it back?  And then she became his companion?  It's all wibbily wobbly.  But it was hilarious.

Wendy and Hook were also interesting.  Of course they had met before, and were well aware of each other's history.  They were both pitted against each other from the start, BUT it turned out that Hook was actually on the level.  He hated Wendy, but he wasn't there to kill people.  Wendy was just interested in having Hook be punished, even if that meant being punished for something he didn't do.

Wendy and Hermione actually had a lot to do with the goings on at the party.  It turned out that the reason we had been brought to this dimension was that someone had messed with the time machine, and small, child-like fingerprints had been found, and rumors were spreading that one of us was actually someone in disguise, trying to blend in with the crowd of strangers.  Naturally, the suspects were myself, Wendy, Hermione, and Knives (Aang was not a suspect as he had no idea how anything worked and seemed generally too stupid).  I was ruled out when people realized that I knew too much about the other guests to be lying about where I was from and Knives...

Was murdered!

Knives was murdered by Wendy (because she knew too much).

She came back as Bella Swan, which was simply amazing.  Everyone jumped out of character to be like "NO," but Artemis Fowl jumped to her rescue.  I mean, she's beautiful, AND smart, AND perfect.  How can we hate her for her perfection?  That is something she cannot help (and at this point everyone figured 13-year-old Artemis was going through puberty).

Anyway I don't have a picture to go with this information, but Hermione ended up being the impostor in this case.  She was the slightly-insane childlike lab assistant of Mary Sanger, Elizabeth, and she was the one who sabotaged the machine.  When the Doctor came through (he came first), she was so fascinated that she tried to pass herself off as a stranger from another land so that she would be sent somewhere else.  So... she invented Hermione.  Wendy was just a crazy bitch!  But while Hermione/Elizabeth was not responsible for Knives' death OR Mary's death, she WAS responsible for...

The Doctor's!
The Doctor was discovered "dead" (can the Doctor die?) much later in the night, just as he was about to share some important information.  In truth, Hermionie had been trying to kill the Doctor most of the night because he was the most likely to figure her out (since he came through first).

Meanwhile, Artemis Fowl actually saw Hermione go into the room with the Doctor, and was off to contact Bigby and Virginia when I was also attacked.  Both of us drew weapons, and because of how the game's rules work in regards to weapons...

Both Aang and Artemis were killed in their struggle.
Since this was at the end of the game, we didn't get to come back as another character.

Me: "I always die at these things."  Dan:  "BRB regenerating into Matty Smith, gotta get my pout on."

Here's everyone who was killed during the night.  THE BODY COUNT AT THESE PARTIES KEEPS GOING UP.

And here's everyone who was drugged and had their stuff stolen (except Irene, she faked her drugging).  I GOT PICKED ON A LOT AT THIS PARTY.  Morgan was actually drugged AND robbed.  I used a Mesmer card on him at one point and took all his stuff, so he was robbed twice haha.

So who was the real killer?  Well it turned out there was a second impostor among us.  The Mysterious Jedi turned out to be HG Wells' brother...  HG Wells.  He had come to the house in order to steal his sister's money and blueprints.  However, MARY saw him breaking into the safe just as the machine began to malfunction, and so he had to disappear into the crowd in order to sneak up on Mary and do away with her before she could out him.  After the murder, we were all locked in the house, so he couldn't get out.  His only hope was to outlast everyone else and escape during the confusion as we were all returned to our appropriate worlds.

Now for a few silly pictures.

This was mostly silly because of my glasses.  I was required as part of my character to wear the glasses at all times because (as far as I knew) there were people there who could use psychic influence on me.  However, as the night got late and it got darker, I couldn't see with the glasses on.  So I had to double up like this.

It became a running joke that if someone lost something, we had to search Irene's cleavage first.  AND FOR GOOD REASON.

When Dan was killed, he decided to come back as a a character he played at another party - MAGNUS.  A psychic super hero with no shame.  At this point the night was ending and we were all having non-stop giggle fits.

Here I am in the study I put together for the party.  I wanted a picture of me in it because, let's face it, it looks like a place Artemis would hang out.

Obligatory photo with the host <3

Overall, it was such a great night.  Props to Jess, she really pulled this off.  Obviously this is going to become a thing with our group, and I hope we continue to have better and better parties.  It's going to be a lot of fun to keep making plans for these as the years go on :)

Thanks to all my friends that made this night so special for me!  I am so lucky to have such awesome AWESOME friends!

murder mystery, fuck yeah, funny, friends, it made my day, life

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