Misc Icon Dump #14

Mar 20, 2010 13:07

Axis Powers Hetalia: 38
Fatal Frame: 6
Final Fantasy: 5
Gundam 00: 8
Katekyo Hitman REBORN!: 15
Pokemon: 1
Prince of Tennis (mostly Atobe/Hyotei): 25

Total: 98


001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

016 017 018

019 020 021

022 023 024

025 026 027

028 029 030

031 032 033

034 035 036

037 038

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

001 002 003

004 005 006

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

001 002 003

004 005

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

001 002 003

004 005 006

007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble


Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

001 002 003

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007 008 009

010 011 012

013 014 015

016 017 018

019 020 021

022 023 024


Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

=Credit is not necessarily needed but do so if you wish.
=No direct linking. Bandwidth gets eaten :(

=Always open. Just ask and I'll do it ♥

=>Credits and such<=
=All fanart belongs to their respective artist.
=APH art: 4Chan mostly.
=Fatal Frame images: Beyond the Camera Lens
=Final Fantasy art: E-ShuuShuu.net
=Gundam 00 art: 4Chan mostly, aside from 04.
=KHR art: 01 03 04 05 06/10 07 08 11 12 13 14 15
=Prince of Tennis art: 02 03
=Feel free to ask for any originals not listed above ♥
=Feel free to watch for any updates.

!prince of tennis, !final fantasy, !axis powers hetalia, !pokemon, !gundam, !katekyo hitman reborn, !fatal frame

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