(no subject)

Jul 29, 2008 19:30

This entry is jammed full of things, and thus might take a while to load.

I got back on Sunday from the big CC, and now it's already...Tuesday? D: Sunday I was just too tired and all I did was upload videos onto YouTube. Yesterday after I got home from work I basically went it to major concentration mode and Finished WATCHMEN which only took me...three weeks. So...much....dialog D: I wont spoil anything assuming that whoever reads this might go see the movie next March...but lets just say I'm going to read it again cover to cover (no skipping the useless pirate story or walls of text crammed between chapters ): ) Lets just say I didn't like one character for 'spoding my favourite character. Also the fact that I didn't know who the bad guy was until 2 chapters away from ending. Hurr, I think the madTV version sums it up nicely.

Thursday was supposed to be the day we walked the floor, but we got there much too late. My parents had planned to wake up at 5 or 6, but I ended up waking them up at 7 in the morning. We were already off to a late start, and when japanesezombie came over we sort of just waited around and I showed her some movie trailers and the Heroes mobisodes. We all hopped in the car and went downtown because my dad had to finish some things down at the tv station. What normally took 4 hours, ended up turning into 6 as we got stuck in traffic. I actually fell asleep in the car which was weird. When we finally got there everybody was stressing out about getting our badges before it closed up. We got our badges in no time and I found the Dharma Initiative booth and my brother bought something at the Star Wars booth. We went to our hotel and checked in, then went out to the Cheesecake Factory. We called it a night after that.

Friday was awesome. My parents couldn't wake up so japanesezombie and I went to the Convention center via shuttle. We were going to go on the floor for a little bit before hopping in line for the Watchmen panel. It took 45 minutes to get there via shuttle because of the bad traffic. We immediately hopped in line which seemed almost hopeless, because it was already a mile long, but it moved fast and they let us in early. We were about halfway into hall H which is good for just hopping in line. We waited for about three hours and the panel finally started. They brought out the entire cast(though I know none of their names) Zack Snyder of course and Mr. Dave Gibbons, the artist. At that point I was maybe 2/3 of the way through the book, but they showed us a really sexy trailer (twice). I grabbed about three pages of notes, but I wont write them here. Afterwards we stayed in H, and caught the first half of 'trailer park'. We were going to go get in line for Family Guy but the line was so long that I knew it would be impossible to get in, especially after what happened to Heroes in 20 last year. We walked the floor a bit. We went over to the Warner Brother's booth to get a free T-shirt for going to the watchmen panel but they directed us to the DC booth. We got our T-Shirts but they're XL D: It's huge, but at least I have one. I bought some stuff including two Dals (shame on me). We met up with my family who had caught up with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. We figured we were done and headed out to go to dinner but along the way we saw our old neighbors that go every year as well. While we were standing around I saw bri_chan who is my art idol but I didn't realize it was her until she walked down the stairs *cry*. Five years and I've only seen her once. We had to wait for an hour to get a table for 8 people at a weird restaurant that had really bad salsa (lets just say it tasted like Taco Bell taco sauce).

Saturday was the day from Hell, that also included the line from Hell. We got up at 5 am and took a van to the convention center at around 6. The line for Hall H was already freakishly long. I cried. We waited for three and a half hours outside before they let us in. When the Heroes panel finally started all we got was some guy trying to stall us. Then the master of ceremonies stalled us with a grand total of 15 minutes gone. They showed us the third installment of the Heroes mobisodes. When the cast of Heroes came out, however, everybody went nuts. It's bad enough we could barely see the stage but all the people in front made it worse ;o; but then a joyous thing happened. Tim Kring came out with a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist and inside was the first episode of season 3 (which I knew they were going to do but apparently no one uses the internet anymore XD) No spoilers are 'written' here(Just this: Ando can KAMEHAMEHA!) , but there are a couple in the next sections. They had a Q&A portion but man are Heroes fans rude D: Much booing and 'get him out of here!'. The cutest part was a 11 y-old boy saying "Siloh is the best character"! 1/2 of the crowd left and another massive crowd ensued for LOST. They showed some type of documentary on the Oceanic Six, a summary on the Freighter Folk, and a hilarious section of Darlton talking about flash forward and then having their own flash-forward in which Carlton had a beard and 'OBAMA: four more years' shirt while Damon had an eyepatch that mysteriously disappeared because *** killed *** and a fan didn't appreciate it. LOL. My OTP Damon and Carlton came on with their Dharma box and Dharma soft drinks. Q &A again but as always, they didn't really answer anything. About half way through they showed a segment from the Dharma Initiative Booth with those truly strange questions (you can take the weird test here: www.dharmawantsyou.com p.s - you always pass). And Hans Van Eghan told us how horrible the results were. Five people/actors were brought on stage as being the only ones to pass on. Much more Q & A including a Hurley cosplayer getting a Dharma Ranch bottle from the producers. Matthew Fox was brought on stage and much fangirling was to be had. The last question was very introquit and thought out but was interrupted by one of the people/actors said to have passed the test. He was raving mad and had a little video footage to show us, which if you watch lost you'll have found it on another site already. Basically after that the panel was over and we surfed the floor looking for those awesome giant Watchmen bags but to no avail. We went to my aunts house where me and japanesezombie fagged on our pokemon pictochat (see below a few sections). I saw that they place where my aunt lives really is the Oildale of San Diego lol.

Sunday...we got in the car and drove home. Was going to see Dark Knight with japanesezombie but her Tia came over and couldn't leave.





Geeks without the sacred badge of entry.

In line for Watchmen.

Is that The Spirit and The Comedian I see thur?

You could say I stalked this Rorschach.

The blessed T-shirt ticket.

My Schedule which dwindled a lot.

Much texting ensued. Everyone and their mom wanted this XBOX including me. The winner should be glad I don't know who they are.

Doc. Jenson from Entertainment Weekly.

Cast of Watchmen.

You sexy beast you. Too bad I hate your character.

All hail Dave Gibbons. He looks exactly the same on the back of my book.

Zack, Gibbons, actress that planes Silk Spectre II.

Silk Spectre I, Rorschache, Comedian.

Silk Spectre II.

Batman is Zack Snyder's favourite character. Everybody couldn't stop laughing.

That Rorschache action figure will be mine come January.

So will that one.

The WB tower in the distance.

Archie the Owlship.

They wouldn't let us see inside that day.

Yeah I watch this show..shut up.

Iron Monger.

Getting chocked by Vader. He liked me or something.

I thought it was cute.


Being an ELITE is serious business.

The crowd cheers.

It's the CAST of HEROES!

TIM KRING and the HOLY GRAIL (meanwhile Adrian Pasdar films us for his YouTube account.)

Get our of the shot Milo's chin!

This is Masi's 'fierce' face.

Zachary gets all the girls.

I'm pretty sure Damon's wearing pants this time.

The magic box.

Is that an actor I see in the distance??

Why yes, it's Racer X Matthew Fox.

Two Wild Pokemon Trainers appear? What will you do?
Fight Bag
PokeBalls Run


Don't read into it if you don't want to be spoiled.

More Heroes spoilers. Siloh and Klur.

Doc Manhattan is showing off for Rorschache. It was a pairing that could never be. You see, DM goes with he flow because he's...you know...ominous. R is too srs bssnss.

Flapjack and Buttercup go with the flow too.

Schnitzel and Chowder. Schnitzel was supposed to have a hitler stash because they're hiding their identities, but he ended up looking like Charley Chaplen.


Commentary on the people at CC who could totally walk but just would prefer not to and use a scooter to run poor innocent bipeds over.


Kermit knows what the internet is for.

Because of the Hurley cosplayer and his dharma ranch.

comic con

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