May 03, 2012 03:58
Unfortunately I don't remember the contents of this dream, but I was having a really pleasant dream (or at least I remember it being pleasant), and it was one of those situations where as soon as my alarm went off and I realized it was a dream, I immediately resumed sleeping with the very vivid thought: "Oh shit it's only a dream, better go back to sleep ASAP because it's better to be there than here..."
What blows is that I should've listened to that voice in my head and just stayed in bed all day. I had one of my usual everything just goes wrong days and as I think things can't get any worse they do. And so as I am dealing with said frustrations by driving, crying, and eating half a dozen vanilla-frosted donuts, this voice starts speaking to me again.
You see that sunset? That's a reminder that time continues to flow even as you continue to be upset over your past. Why are you wasting more time letting your feelings be hurt by shit out of your control going wrong all over? Tomorrow will always be a new day, whether you get over it by then or not.
I'm not even going to bother writing down all the horrible things that happened today, since by tomorrow I will have forgotten practically all of it, and I won't even have a recollection of this day by this time next year, but for now I will continue to be angry, upset, miserable, sad, moody...