Jan 03, 2011 14:58
Not posted in a while since i was busy with work but have been posting once in a while.
Christmas and new year have gone and past and finally after waiting a year it's finally january my favourite time of the month since there's Koichi's birthday which is a bit late but happy birthday koichi and then my birthday on the 18th also going to be busy this month due to going to london this week for my friends birthday which was in december but the show were are going to see was in january 2 weeks before mine so might make it a double one if we can then i've got alton towers to go to in febuary for my birthday plan since it opens in feb damn them but oh well then i got a girugamesh concert in march it's already start of new year and already busy but can't wait.
i shall post again when im free maybe for my birthday which i will be working only half a day but never mind..
take care
life koichi girugamesh plans