The Adventures of Roh-chan and Kiku-chan!!!! ^___^

Oct 26, 2006 15:36

I'm still home today!!!! I kinda wish Ryuzaki-sensei wasn't a furry this stuff was off of my face because I'm getting BOOOOOORED at home all day. BUT!!!! ^_^ Jiroh-kun came over to plot with me shhhhh!!! hang out and we kept finding so much FUNNY STUFF HAHAHAHAHA~!!!! Like THIS FIC! XDDDDD ITS a SEVENSOME!!!! AHAHHAHAHAHA. And we decided to... What did you call it, Jiroh-kun? OH YES. MST IT. Because EVERYONE wants our commentary on something AWESOME like this RIGHT?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHHAHA

Its by crimson_raining & stolen_faith98 and called LOVE IN A LIMO *___* and the GROUPING IS AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA:

Title: Love in a Limo This is PART ONE
Fandom: Prince of Tennis. . .obviously
Pairings: OT7 (aka. Sanada, Atobe, Tezuka, Fuji, Kikumaru, Yukimura, Jiroh)
Warnings: Smut . . . and crack. . .basically Smack . . . also some profuse swearing on Atobe’s part, as well as pathetic!needy!uke!Atobe™
Rating: Just PG 13 for the first half and NC-17 for the second
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: If we owned it, prince of tennis would be one giant orgy . . . therefore, we don’t own it. . . .

One overcast afternoon in April, Fuji and Eiji of the Siegaku tennis club had been sent out on shopping duty. As they reached the tennis supply store they saw Sanada approaching the store as well. Kikumaru’s face lit up as soon as he saw Sanada and he rushed him, “Nichi-kun!!”

Jiroh: Ok this looks pretty normal so far, but it gets MUCH WORSE! :D
Eiji: HAhahahahah. Nichi-kun WTH LOL. That's a HORRIBLE nickname XDDD!

Sanada’s eyes widened in horror at Eiji’s pet name for him. He couldn’t get out off the way of Kikumaru’s crushing tackle-hug. Whilst Sanada was being crushed by Kikumaru’s attack glomp, the Seigaku tensai leisurely came up beside them, smiling widely.

Eiji: TENSAIIIII!!! Everyone calls you that, Fuji!
Jiroh: WELL HE IS AWESOME!!!!! :DDDDD He also gets off pretty lightly in this fic. The rest of us suffer a lot more. ^____^
Eiji: HE DOES. ^_^

“How are you doing Sanada-kun?” Fuji purred at the vice-captain, not even trying to help him out of Kikumaru’s steel grip.

The normally stoic fuko-buchou glared at the smiling brunette, pushing a hyperactive Kikumaru off him, “Fine. I’m just fine thank you.”

Fuji smiled wider at Sanada’s less then sincere response, “That’s great! What brings you here anyway, Sanada-kun?”

Before Sanada could form a response another spoke from behind him, “Well, well, if it isn’t Sanada-kun.” Sanada turned to the all too familiar voice, as Atobe strode arrogantly up too the group, still standing stupidly just outside the tennis shop.

Eiji: Its LESS THAN, not "then"
Jiroh: And here comes Atobe! I love how he can stand stupidly. It takes prowess to do that. ^_____^
Eiji: Hahahaha. You're right! But WHO is standing stupidly? :O
Jiroh: Oh maybe that's you and Fuji. I'm sure Atobe's going to join you, tho. ^_____^

Kikumaru giggled ecstatically when he saw his next victim. He instantly jumped on Atobe, successfully crushing his ribs together, “Kie-chan! You’re here too!!”

Outraged, Atobe fought unsuccessfully to push the eager redhead off of him. “Unhand ore-sama!”

“Kie-chan!! That’s not fair!! You have to hug me back!” Kikumaru was pouting now, things weren’t looking very good for Atobe, “Hug me!”

Jiroh: I dont think anyone's ever called Atobe "Kie-chan." Maybe everyone should start. :DDDD
Eiji: YES!! KIE-CHAN!!! Why am I calling everyone by these AWESOME nicknames??? XDDD I wish I'd have thought of that!
Jiroh: Well obviously this author is a nicknaming genius. We can learn from her example. ^___^ Eiji: IAWTC

Abruptly, a bouncy blond appeared from nowhere and glomped Atobe as well, dragging a horrified noise from the ruffled buchou. “Tobe-chaaaaaan!”

Jiroh: Apparently I'm Harry Potter now and can pop out of nowhere. Maybe Sirius will teach me to apparate. :DDDDD
Eiji: AAAAND you make up funny nicknames, too! I want to learn to apparate abruptly! I think you need a wand. We should make you one.
Jiroh: That would be awesome!!!! We'll get some aluminum foil later! :DDDDDDDDDDD

Atobe gave both Sanada and Fuji a look of pure terror and mouthed pleading to them, ‘Save ore-sama.’ At their blank stare Atobe mouthed, ‘if you love Ore-sama, then save ore-sama.’

Fuji’s smile grew at the plea and his eyes opened momentarily, to lock on to Atobe. At the glance Atobe grew nervous, the tensai was obviously plotting. He didn’t have much time to wonder what the sadistic tensai was planning as Jiroh and Eiji had redoubled their efforts.

Sanada had averted his eyes from the scene rapidly growing before him and started to look for an out. Mean while Fuji had joined in on the ‘Atobe-glomp-fest’ with a cry of ‘K-chan!’

Jiroh: Oh Atobe. You're going to really suffer later. Suck it up. :DDDD
Eiji: HAhahahaha! Ohhhh you WILL!! Just let us glomp you!! ^__^ K-CHAN!! Yes. XDDDD

“Sa . . . na . . . da . . .” Atobe managed to choke out, but Sanada never heard as he was currently occupied with the person that approached them.

Completely ignoring Atobe’s choked noises, Sanada moved quickly to meet the new arrival, “Buchou,” he said adoringly, “are you sure you are well enough to be out?”

Yukimura smiled, “I’m fine Genichirou-san.”

Still worried Sanada pulled of his hat, placing it on the other man’s head, “The sun is too bright today buchou, you could get heat stroke! You might be blinded, we need to get you some sunglasses right away! Oh! What if you get a sun burn?!? I will find you some sunscreen or maybe a parasol . . .”

Eiji: Sanada seems SO WORRIED. BLINDED BY THE SUN! So funny! Maybe Renji will pass by with a parasol. He always seems to have them in art I find. XDDDD
Jiroh: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PARASOL!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE NEEDS A PARASOL!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S JUST LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF GONE WITH THE WIND! Oshitari would love it. I don't know why he's not in this fic. ^_____^
Eiji: I don't know why Renji isn't either, or Inui, or any other number of people. Apparently, the MORE the MERRIER!!!! Though it might get COMPLICATED if they added MORE people. >.> hahahaha!!!! OT9!
Jiroh: Yes, I dont know why they didnt just make it an OT100 and not leave anyone out. It couldnt have made much less sense. :DDDDDD
Jiroh: You should write that!!!! But let's get on with the fic or it might get to the pocky without us. ^____^
Eiji: lsdkfj;askldfja OKAY

Yukimura simply giggled at Sanada’s actions, then he tapped Sanada on the arm. Laughing even harder, he pointed over Sanada’s shoulder at Atobe.

Sometime during Sanada’s doting the three had managed to pin Atobe to the ground. Jiroh lying almost on top of him, the other two hanging on happily off either side. None of them moved now. All where staring at Sanada in shock.

“Di . . . did Nichi-kun . . . take off his . . . his hat?” Kikumaru asked in amazement.

“I think he just did Kiku-chan . ..” Jiroh said in disbelief.

Even Atobe was looking on in shock, “oh my god . . . what is this world coming to?”

Jiroh: I really dont think I'd be that shocked. I dont even know Sanada. He's just the tall guy who fucked Hiyoshi a couple of times. ^_____^
Eiji: slakdfjsdkjalsdfa I don't think I would be either. I mean, he HAS to take it off sometimes right?? He does do kendo, right? I thought I heard that. I doubt he'd be able to practice kendo with a hat. Or sleep. Its not that amazing. Hahahaha. Kiku-chan!!!
Jiroh: I dont know. I think I could sleep with a hat! :DDD
Eiji: You could probably sleep in a TOP HAT, ROH-CHAN HAHAHAHHAHAHA

Sanada just glared at them. A giggle behind him brought his attention back to Yukimura, “Nichi-kun?” the bishonen asked, muffling giggles with his hand.

Sanada blushed, wishing he still had his cap so he could cover his face. He supposed he could always pull out one of his spares from his tennis bag.

“You know,” Kikumaru began thoughtfully, breaking his train of thought, “Nichi-kun looks kinda handsome without his hat.”

“Chiro-kun does . . .” Jiroh was practically drooling. A light breeze started to play with Sanada’s hair and Jiroh’s eyes went wide, “Chiro-kun . . . wanna jump you right now . . .”

Both Fuji and Kikumaru smiled deviously and in a flash all three had leapt off Atobe and tackled Sanada to the ground.

Jiroh: I dont want to jump you, actually, Sanada. I'm sure you're very nice, but I'm not THAT MUCH of a slut. ^___^
Eiji: Yeah. I don't want to jump you either. XDDDD I’m sure you’re relieved. Hahahaha.

“What are you doing? It shouldn’t take thirty minutes to get here!” Tezuka said, once again interrupting the glomp-fest, “Fuji, Eiji, 20 laps when we get back for slacking off.”

Both Fuji and Kikumaru’s heads popped up when they heard Tezuka’s voice. They looked at each other then turned to Tezuka, “Buchou! But it wasn’t our fault!”

Meanwhile, Yukimura was helping a rather disheveled Atobe off the sidewalk. Atobe was grumbling about ‘cleaning fees’ and ‘disrespecting ore-sama’. Atobe’s grumbling stopped abruptly when he noticed Tezuka. Quickly, he fixed his tie and approached Seigaku’s buchou, “Tezuka, you honestly think that 20 laps is enough to this? I thought someone like you could think up a more . . . creative punishment then that.”

Tezuka raised an eyebrow at Atobe, having just noticed the others, “How I discipline my club members is none of your concern Atobe.”

This time it was Atobe that raised en eyebrow, “I suppose that’s true - hey!” Atobe said, cutting himself off, “Why hasn’t Tezuka been attacked yet?”

At this Fuji smiled wickedly and looked Atobe straight in the eyes. His cerulean orbs sparkling maliciously, “Zuka-kun is our respected buchou, we only do those types of things in private you know.”

Tezuka sighed upon seeing the almost hungry look in Atobe’s eyes and did an inner face-palm. He knew he should have sent Oiishi to retrieve Fuji and Eiji. But alas, he had been curious to what the hell his two ukes where doing. They say curiosity killed the cat . . .

Jiroh: CURIOUSITY KILLED THE SEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHA :DDDDDDDDDDD
Jiroh: *takes a bow* Might as well while I still have some of my dignity left. ^_____^
Eiji: Yes. HAHA!! Twenty laps is nothing, anyway. That's not a real punishment. Maybe if he pulled out a whip...HAHAHAAHHAHA I'm surprised he didn't with the way this fic is written. XDDDDDDD
Jiroh: I think he pulls out plenty, kthnx. ^___^
Jiroh: -_____- Let's just go. ^_____^

“I do not see how any of this relates to the both of you,” here Tezuka gave a look to Kikumaru and Fuji, manly Fuji, “getting side tracked when you should have been back ten minutes ago.”

Eiji: Look Fuji! You’re MANLY! Show us your muscles!
Jiroh: I'm sure Fuji has lots of muscles. Maybe. Somewhere. :DDDDD
Eiji: He IS pretty strong when he needs to be. ^_^
Eiji: HE IS SO AWESOME!!!!! YAY FUJI!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

“I’m afraid that’s our fault,” Yukimura said helpfully, “It seems that many people chose to come here today and Fuji and Eiji-san just stopped to say ‘hi’.”

“Yeah, s’not their fault.” Jiroh murmured sleepily from where he rested against Atobe, his arms wrapped tightly around his buchou.

Tezuka barely refrained from twitching; those four seemed to always stick up for each other. Well at least Yukimura hadn’t started in on the nicknames. Tezuka calmly walked over where Sanada still lay sprawled on the sidewalk. He offered a hand to the ravished fuku-buchou, finally saving him from Fuji and Eiji.

Eiji: Apparently Fuji and I RAVISH you right there on the STREET, Sanada-kun! Seems kinda far-fetched to me. I'm sure someone would stop this!
Jiroh: They're probably all too busy with their own OT7s to care! hahaha :DDDD
Eiji: Or OT9s!
Jiroh: My vote's still for the OT100!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDD
Eiji: *________________________*

Sanada gratefully accepted the hand, nodding slightly in thanks and reluctantly releasing tezuka’s hand. Though he could not hold his hand, he let his finer tips caress Tezuka’s palm as he slid his hand away.

Tezuka gave Sanada a quick smirk before stoticly turning back to the others, the perfect punishment already forming in his mind . . . if only Sanada would help . . .

“Well?” Tezuka asked coldly to Fuji and Kikumaru. When they just blinked in response, Tezuka sighed and continued, “Have you at least gone into the store yet?”

Eiji twitched in surprise, as if having just remembered something he had forgotten, which truthfully he had. Sanada and Atobe both wore similar expressions. In unison all three said, “Our purchases.”

Well Kikumaru exclaimed it loudly while Atobe just mouthed the words. Sanada on the other hand whispered it quietly to him self, though Tezuka overheard.

After the internal face-palm, Tezuka said sardonically, “Well shall we?”

Jiroh: That sounds painful. Maybe Tezuka gave himself brain damage and that's why he's so strange in this fic! ^_______^
Eiji: Poor Tezuka! Maybe someone gave him more of those sausages, too. *snickers*
Jiroh: Tezuka + food = BAD IDEA, EIJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^______^
Jiroh: I say we skip some of this boring stuff so we can get to the sex faster and show everyone what we mean!!!!! :DDDDD
Eiji: That's a good idea!

Following Tezuka’s lead Atobe made for the store, stopping when he reached the door, obviously waiting for someone to open it for him. Still clinging onto his buchou and seeming half asleep, Jiroh said, “Buy me some new grip tape, Tobe-chan.”

Yukimura sniggled at the two and after grabbing both Kikumaru and Syuusuke by the arms, turned to Sanada with a pleading gaze, “Could you please get the door for us, Genichirou-kun?”

Coming from anyone else Sanada would have taken offence at the request, but seeing as it came from his buchou he hurried and opened the door. While Atobe breezed past him, giving him a short appreciative leer, Yukimura stopped and thanked him before going in.

‘Now if only that ‘thank you’ was a kiss . . .’ Sanada though to himself before quickly shaking the thought away, this wasn’t the time or the place for that. Sanada followed after Yukimura and let go of the door, not realizing that Tezuka was still walking through.

Tezuka saw the door was closing on him and made to hold it open with his left hand but Fuji beat him to it. When Tezuka looked at the tensai he said, “We wouldn’t want you to hurt your shoulder Zuka-kun.”


Cautiously Tezuka made to pass the brunette aware that when Fuji got that look on his face he was plotting . . . well . . . come to think of it, the tensai always seemed to be plotting.

Finally Tezuka was through the door and, as Fuji released the door, he stood up on his tiptoes and lightly kissed his buchou’s cheek.

Tezuka tried to ignore this and move on but knew that he wasn’t doing a very good job of it. The reddish tinge that was spreading on his cheeks gave him away. Inconspicuously Tezuka grabbed Fuji’s sleeve and pulled him further into the store. A Cheshire grin was plastered on Fuji’s face.

Atobe bluntly ignored them all and after getting to the shelf of grip tape quickly grabbed the most expensive one there. Just as he was about to move on to the next area of interest, Jiroh stopped him, “No Tobe-chan, that’s not the right kind . . .”

“Of course it’s the right kind Jiroh, it’s the most expensive.”

Jiroh: Yeah, that's definitely Atobe. Maybe they got his characterization more on that we thought. hahahahaha :DDDDDDD
Eiji: HAHahahhahaa. The most expensive is not always the best!

Jiroh shook his head wrapping his arms around the back of Atobe’s neck, pulling his buchou down so their lips met. Atobe made a brief sound of shock when Jiroh dragged his tongue along his bottom lip.

After that the blond pulled away, grinning at Atobe’s somewhat vacant expression. Triumphantly he revealed a different kind of grip tape resting in the palm of his hand, “This is the right kind Tobe-chan.”

Atobe smirked at the smiling blond, now he wanted - no needed - more. He curled one hand around Jiroh’s waist and pulled his body closer, “are you sure you want that one?”

Jiroh unconsciously leaned into Atobe. Their lips just millimeters away, “Positive Tobe-chan.”

Just as they were about to resume kissing the were rudely interrupted by a certain fuku-buchou’s forceful cough.

“Mind where you are Atobe, its not the time for that.” Sanada glared as he pried the two apart by reaching for his own grip tape.

“Aww, Nichi-chaaaaan! Why did you interrupt, they were sooo cute!” Kikumaru whined ducking out of the aisle he had been watching the two in.

“Yeah! They were just getting to the good part!” Fuji said popping his head out just above Kikumaru’s, “I was going to take some more pictures too . . .”

Jiroh: Ok, first off, Atobe's still a bastard. Just want to make sure we're clear on that.
Jiroh: Good. Because he is.
Eiji: Apparently, Fuji and I like watching you kiss Atobe though. VOYEURS!
Jiroh: Yeah, secondly, WTF voyeurism. Fuji could at least ASK before he takes pictures. If he's taking any pictures of what happens in the second fic, then I'm going to kill him, even if he's awesome. ^_____^
Eiji: Oh, he never tells! He just shocks you later when he shows them to you. ^_^ But he doesn't show his pictures to too many people so he'd probably show them just to you if he took pictures of you. IF he showed you. ^_^ I don't see him wanting pictures of THAT though. >.< Even in the fic.
Jiroh: If he's jacking off to THAT ONE THING, tho, then he's maybe got some issues that he needs to work thru. My mom's got a really good psychiatrist, and I'd be REALLY HAPPY to pay his bills if he'd destroy the pictures. :DDDD
Jiroh: Well, that's not the point. It's fiction anyway so it's not like it's REAL. But if any of you reading this do jack off to THAT ONE THING in the second fic, then, well, my offer stands because I dont want you thinking about me that way. ^______^
Jiroh: It never hurts to be safe. This is the INTERNET, and you dont know what those fangirls will get up to. :DDDDD
Eiji: !!!!!!!!!! T_T GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!! Let's talk about something else until then, okay???
Jiroh: Let's just get on with the fic. ^___^
Eiji: YES!

Jiroh blushed a very pretty shade of pink at hearing that. Atobe just glared at the tensai, he would have done it to . . .

Yukimura seeing the situation, knew it was time to step in and move them all to a new location. Atobe’s manor for example, and he knew just how to do it to. With the sexual tension running high, Yukimura leaned up against Sanada and gave the perfect little cough. Instantly everyone was looking at him.

“Buchou! Are you ok? Do-“ Sanada started to play the mother hen but instantly stopped when Yukimura spoke softly.

“Nichi-kun . . .” cue looking flushed, “I-I don’t feel very well . . .” cue looking faint, “Can you take me somewhere to . . .” cue blush, “Lie down?”

Of couse Sanada began listing off and summarily dismissing places to go. Jiroh, awakened by the kiss caught Yukimura’s eye and grinned.

“We should all go to Tobe-chan’s house!” Jiroh announced happily, brining all eyes to him.

“Don’t you think you should ask before offering up my house Jiroh?” Atobe asked, though he sounded anything but mad, in fact, he sounded amused.

“But Tobe-chaaaaan! Your house is so big and your parents are away for business! You’ll be lonely all by your self!”

Fuji, who knew from the beginning it was all a ruse, made his face looked concerned, “Kei-chan, your house is also the closest and you do always have your driver to take you anywhere . . .”

Jiroh: That makes Atobe sound like he's got a sense of humor. I guess this author doesn't know him so well after all. ^____^
Eiji: So he doesn't? Poor KEI-CHAN!!! HAHAHAA
Jiroh: You have to be funny ON PURPOSE before it counts!!!! :DDDD
Eiji: Ore-sama no bigi ni yoina!!!!! *CACKLES*
Jiroh: Actually... Well, we're not going to go there, because IN CASE ANYONE HAS FORGOTTEN Atobe is a bastard. ^________^
Eiji: *still laughing* GOT IT!
Jiroh: Ok, good. Hopefully members of our studio audience are getting it, too. :DDDDD
Eiji: This fic is AWESOME!
Jiroh: It is AWESOME!!!!!! More like AWESOMELY BAD, but that's still AWESOME!!!!!!!! ^________^
Eiji: I'm in AWE of its BADNESS

Kikumaru nodded his head in agreement, “We should definitely go to Kei-chan’s!”

Sanada locked his eyes with Atobe, “We will be temporally be occupying your house hold. I hope this will not inconvenience you Atobe-san.”

Atobe sighed dramatically, “well, I suppose you may come over, though you will owe ore-sama later.”

Fuji gave Atobe a seductive smirk, “But of course, Kei-chan. We will pay you back in full.”

Jiroh and Eiji exchanged looks, muffling giggles at Fuji’s words while Atobe smiled smugly, unaware of the deviant thoughts running through the tensai’s head.

Tezuka just sighed at their antics then looked over at Sanada, who was growing more frantic by the second. Now seemed like the perfect time to intervene, “Now that we have that settled, shall we go?”

“Yes, lets.” Fuji purred, turning his predatory gaze onto his buchou.

The others also nodded their heads hurrying to the counter with their purchases. Eiji, however Purchase-less, bounced over to Sanada and Yukimura where Sanada was worriedly helping his buchou stand and Yukimura Was giving the normally stoic fukou-buchou an indulgent look.

“Nya, Yuki-chan, do you need any help?” the bouncy red head asked, “You can always lean on me if your not feeling well.”

A soft possessive growl interrupted whatever Rikkia’s buchou was about to say. Yukimura smiled softly, “thank you for the offer Kikumaru-kun, but at the moment I am no in need of any assistance,” though the buchou’s tone was serious his eyes twinkled with glee.

Eiji grinned as well, “The offer is always open Yuki-chan.”

Jiroh snickered at Kikumaru’s obvious attempt to annoy Sanada further. He started to laugh header when it became Sanada’s turn at the till. It was obvious that he would have to let of Yukimura, something Sanada was not happy about.

“Need some help Nichi-kun?” Eiji’s voice was dripping with feigned innocence.

Sanada looked ready to explode. Thankfully Yukimura really wanted to get going to Atobe’s, so he helped things along, “It will just be for a second, besides, the faster the better.”

From his vantage point, Jiroh was amazed at the control Yukimura had over Sanada. He could only dream of having that level of influence over his Tobe-chan . . . maybe Seiichi would teach him . . .

Jiroh: Do you really think teasing Sanada would be such a good idea? Couldn't he crush you with his thumb or his big toe or something? :DDDDDDD
Eiji: Or he could GLARE you down. He's so serious and glare-y! And well, yeah. Probably.
Jiroh: Also, I think Yukimura would just give me a dog collar and a leash and tell me to go have kinky sex if I asked him to teach me!!!!! :DDDDDDDD
Eiji: .....I'd rather not think about thatk Jiroh. MOVING ON THEN!!! ^____^ XDDDDDD
Jiroh: *shrugs* If you like it vanilla. ^_________^
Eiji: I didn't say THAT HAHAHAHAHA I just....the image of you and Yukimura and DOG COLLARS...JUST ... NO THANKS. XDDDDDDD
Jiroh: I wasn't going to have sex with HIM. You really should get Gakuto as a best friend if you're having problems with this. ^_____^
Eiji: HAHAHAHAHAH I'M NOT!!!! I have no problems with the kinky sex and the dog collars, its just...NEVERMIND HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *throws pillow at Jiroh omg*
Jiroh: *is going to have to take Eiji down WTF* BRB :DDDDD
Eiji: BRB2 OMG
Jiroh: Ok, I just totally pwned him!!!!! :DDDDDDDD
Jiroh: I don't lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That backflip twist thing at the end DOES NOT COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Eiji: Don't I get points for that though?
Jiroh: No, because you're too busy being a sexually overactive teen. ^______^
Eiji: OH YES. I FORGOT. I'm sure I know someone who would agree wholeheartedly with that statement. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Jiroh: Are you going to tell or is Kinky Kitchenette the only smut we're getting? :DDDD
Eiji: ;)) SHhhhhh!!! I'm not telling. Nope. ;)) ONLY KITCHENETTE SMUT HERE. XDDDDDDDD
Jiroh: I'll find your diary later. ^______^
Eiji: :O I don't have a diary!!! >.>
Jiroh: You just look like someone who would. I know Atobe keeps five. :DDDDD
Eiji: *cough* Well. <.< I don't. And I don't write things like that down. >.> *cough* AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE WHO WOULD?
Jiroh: I thought this room was your sister's when I saw it. TRUST ME!!!!!!!! YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahaha :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Eiji: MEAN, JIROH. I don't have a girly room! What's so girly about it? :\\\\ It USED to be my sister's a long time ago.
Jiroh: No comment. Let's get on with the fic. ^____^
Eiji: T_T

So with Yukimura clinging to Kikumaru (who was cling back just as much, if not more) Sanada finished making his purchases. The rang through all their various purchases quickly and were soon standing out side the tennis shop once again, waiting impatiently as Atobe dialed the number for his personal chauffer.

A minute later they were all piling into the surprisingly spacious limo, with Jiroh and Atobe leading the way. Sanada glared at Kikumaru, then quickly and gently as possible, grabbed Yukimura and lifted him up bridal style, “I will help Buchou.”

Eiji just smirked and crawled in after Fuji, who grabbed the rambunctious redhead in turn. Tezuka - who was sitting quite comfortably beside Atobe - rolled his eyes in irritation, it was going to be a long ride to the manor. Tezuka’s eye role turned into a quiet “umph” as the two sexually overactive teens landed on top of him.

Fuji giggled, shifting innocently on his buchou’s lap until he sat directly on top of the brunette, his head on Tezuka’s shoulder and Eiji’s head on his own lap. The tensai smirked maliciously, absently playing with Eiji’s hair as he brought his lips to Tezuka’s ear. Syuusuke let his breath blow hotly over it as he talked and he watched a slight blush on Tezuka’s cheeks as his breath hitched.

“Tezuka-buchou, you lap is sooo comfy!” Fuji was having a very good time at his buchou’s expense, “I don’t think that I’ll ever want to get up . . .”

Tezuka was positive Fuji was maneuvering himself - though slowly - so that certain parts of their . . . anatomy where together. He tried to be angry at Fuji, he really did, but unfortunately other pressing matters had arisen. Tezuka discreetly wrapped one arm around Fuji’s waist and pulled him closer - further hiding his current problem.

Meanwhile Jiroh had noticed Sanada and Yukimura’s slight dilemma and decided to help them inside. One in the limo, Jiroh promptly curled up beside Sanada, yawning. Sanada made a slightly indignant noise and tried to push the sleepy blond off of him when Seiichi stayed his hand.

“Mou, Genichirou-san, leave him, he’s so adorable sleeping!” Yukimura whispered, smiling in just the way he knew would let him get his way.

Reluctantly Sanada allowed it. A sudden idea popped into the seemingly innocent buchou’s mind and he burrowed into the crock of his fuko-buchou’s arm. He briefly contemplated doing other things from such a convenient position, but alas he would probably be forced to wait until they got to Atobe’s to do anything of that nature without Sanada mother-henning him to death.

Now Atobe was starting to get annoyed, they were all ignoring ore-sama! He didn’t have even one uke cuddling up with him, not even Jiroh. It was an all-new low for Atobe, and he didn’t like it one bit. Seeing as Tezuka had two ukes with him ant the moment and he was sitting beside him, it was only fair that he shared. Kikumaru looked a little sleepy, kinda like Jiroh, but alas he was on the other side of Fuji and Tezuka. So Atobe came to the conclusion that he wanted one Fuji Syuusuke on his lap . . . right now.

Feedback is not only greatly appriciated but is also wanted *ish comment whores*

Jiroh: So, this is the end of part one. Before we finish, I just want to say A) Yukimura is too pointy to nap on, B ) WTF is up with this uke thing? Are collectors items now? C) I'm not even that uke. I'm more switchy. ^________^
Eiji: A) Okay B) I KNOW! Collect them all! ON YOUR LAP!!! ^__^ C) IAWTC ^____^
Jiroh: If they start throwing Pokeballs at us, I'm going to contact Konomi. :DDDDDDD
Eiji: ....Pokeballs??
Jiroh: *headdesk* Did you play with Barbie instead??!?!?!?!?!?! :DDDDDDDDD
Eiji: Jiroh ..... T_T NO. I never played with dolls. Jiroh, I am NOT GIRLY KTHX. I just....are they Pokemon things?
Jiroh: You use them to catch the Pokemon. You collect them all. Maybe I should have just compared us to commemorative plates instead. My grandmother has a lot of those. ^_____^
Eiji: HAR HAR Or trading cards too. You could have used that. I broke three of my grandmother's plates when I was...younger. I was scolded for doing flips in the house again.
Jiroh: Anyway, the point is that I'm not something that you put in a curio cabinet. Unless you're getting in there with me and it's some kind of kinky sex thing. :DDDDDD
Eiji: Ooooh! Wardrobe sex! ^_^ Interesting! Inside cabinets and closets and sheds!!! FUN!!! XDDDDDDDDD
Jiroh: ... Let's just post this and get started on the second part. :DDDDDD
Eiji: .... Okay. …Did I say too much? XDDDDDDDDDD

WE KNOW YOU'RE SO EXCITED FOR PART TWO!!! We'll post it later!!!! ROH-CHAN had to go home for dinner. ^_^ Isn't this FUN?!?!? ^_^ The internets is AWESOME!

mst, misadventures with jiroh, staying home from school, bored

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