Oct 23, 2007 08:28
Heeeh, what do you know~ I actually met Fujiko yesterday! He seemed in a good mood and it was really great seeing him again. Also, when I moved here I ran into Yukimura Seiichi. That was also nice, but I guess there's a little bit of uncertainty going around when you meet someone you knew years and years ago, and then suddenly, *pop* here they are, all grown up and with several years behind them when you didn't know them... Does that make us strangers or just really distant friends? I have no idea...
I need to start looking for a part time job. Question is, what should I do? I guess I could always work stocking wares in some store or something, that's a no brainer, but... I don't know. I need to be able to support myself somehow especially if I want to be able to go clubbing and the like, and not just keep my nose buried in the books. =/
I wish I could just ask mom and dad for money, but nah. Not happening. And besides, I'm all grown up now, heck if I wouldn't be able to support myself! But I've always had the economic sense of a rock or something. =/ At least I know very well how to loan money? q(~Д~)p;; Man, do I ever identify with Donald Duck or what...
Speaking of which! I need new manga! I need something to read... Latest Shounen Jump perhaps? \(≧▽≦)丿 Because you're never too old for One Piece~! And I need to cheer myself up. =/
Later! \(≧▽≦)丿
real life,
one piece,