Life is beautiful!

Apr 18, 2008 11:31

Ah everyone's back to normal! Know what that means? I'm going to take my well deserved rest! That's right I'm going to hibernate! I learned about it in a book, it's when you sleep lots and that's what I will do! Hah!

[To Rikuou]

I haven't heard much from you...are you alright? Before your idiotic mind thinks I'm worried about you, I'm just asking because you have been too much of a slacker! You didn't even help with the daycare!


And what's this about a ball? W-we're supposed to bring a date?! I have no idea who! Aaaargh! Who came up with this evil idea?!

((yep he has no idea that bears and other animals are the ones that hibernate. Also, mods don't pay him for two days because he's serious about his vacation. Yeah, once again curling on his bed with Mew.
And yeah I know Rikuou-mun is on hiatus but it would be weird of Kazahaya not to worry - even if he's in denial that he's worrying XD))
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