Wh-what the Hell?!

Jan 26, 2008 22:18

[Filtered to Ginko and whoever else might be concerned/interested]

G-ginko-san is it really true that you kissed Gunter-san?! I-I know it's probably not my business but I didn't imagine you were...um you had...er...were attracted to, er Gunter-san. And to males in general...

I think I'm going to be scarred for life. He wouldn't shut up with the details...

[Totally Private]

Wha-what the hell?! What was I thinking?!

((yeah he's so traumatized because Gunter stole his first kiss XD
Edit: Rikuou can totally guess something happened since Kazahaya will be really distracted at work and probably breaking more things than he ever does XD))
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