Apr 25, 2013 19:35
So for now I've opened most of my fics (all but the chaptered ones and one personal one. (They are marked)
I would still like it if anyone reads them and likes them to comment and tell me what they think about them (good or bad) and if you really like some or most of them to go ahead and comment of my intro post to add me as a friend! You have to comment on that post and add me before I accept you though ^^
The locked fics are friends only also, so if you want to read them add me! (Unless my friend that doesn't have an LJ tells me she wants to read them. That's the only way they will be unlocked.)
I would link to my intro post but I'm on my phone right now and don't want to try to fight with it to make the hyperlink. It's easy to go to my intro post because its the first on on my LJ!