Title: The day It all came back
Rating/Warning: R/ Murder, bloody, Character death D:
Parings: None... hyukjae-centric
Word Count: Word says 1,592
Disclaimer because people seem to think its needed: I own the characters not the plot! Wait... that's backwards!
Summary: Hyukjae forgot all about that night. But what happens when an old face comes
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i don't know what i'll do if that'd happen to me.
i hope that you don't dream of this again!
it's too horrible and gruesome..
all of those lifeless bodies..0.0
still, i love horror fics. bwaahahaha/evil laugh
lol I think horror Is my genre to write In!
Thanks for reading and commenting!! :)
i think so too...maybe? :)
if ever you're gonna write another horror story, please do tell me. (if that's okay) i would love to read horror once in a while. too much smut and fluff is NOT good for one's health. ^^ but angst is great..no complaints in that genre.
Oh I have another horror fic! and one really angst and one not as angst... and some others that are supernatural-ish lol Just check them out whenever! ^^ I agree fluff and smut can get tiring to read all the time >.>
you don't mind me friending you right? so it wouldn't be hard for me to find your fics.
Sure I don't mind! ^^ I fell asleep >.>
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