
Oct 06, 2008 08:06

So, I'm currently on a create-your-own cereal site trying to create muesli for my mom. :P She really liked the muesli they had at our hotel in England, and her efforts to find something comparable here have failed, even at Trader Joe's. So I thought it might be cute to see if I can make her some as part of her Christmas present. I'd try to make it myself at home, but aren't you not supposed to use raw oats in cold cereal, or something? And my mom's home all day, and it might be conspicuous if I went through a lot of oat-toasting right under her nose. But anyway.

I'm watching Season Two of Supernatural. I realize I haven't mentioned recently how much I really love this show, and not only because of a certain Mr. Ackles being more than easy on the eyes. I love how everything Sam and Dean do has real-life consequences that make sense: i.e., if a doppelganger of Dean kills someone in Season One, a different show might just ignore that issue completely and say, "Well, that episode's just over, and it won't come up again." But partway through Season Two, it catches up with him. It's just cool. Also, in terms of character development, there's a depth there that I think is rare in TV shows. The writers seem to be really thinking from their characters' POVs, and how the "monster-of-the-week" situations would really hit them on a personal level. I just continue to be impressed by the writing on the show, and while there are inevitably some episodes that are more ho-hum than others, it's seriously one of the best shows on television right now. (And, might I add, the main writing team is composed of two women. HA!)

And then, like I said, there's the added bonus of the acting. *cough*

Anyway. More news: I've officially turned down the job I was offered in Japan, which made me feel like a moron, but a moron who will continue to be sane. There were evidently some contract stipulations made and some job requirements in place that hadn't been mentioned yet on the website, and I really trust my instincts in this case. I know myself well enough to know that it probably wouldn't have been the right choice for me. *nod* So, I've sent in my application stuff to Berlitz, which will be a little less comfy in the beginning (no company housing, unpaid orientation), but which I think will be more comfy in the long run. And maybe I'll bump into lizstarsky more often. ^_~

And then, I'm thinking of getting a part-time job at Einstein's, or something, if the temp agency I've signed up with doesn't pull through all that often. Maybe I'd get free bagels if I did! *______* ooooooh. Free bagels. Of course, I'd have to wake up at the crack of dawn to be at work by 6 a.m. But earning money + bagels = viable option with perks.

What else, what else?...Oh! I sent a short story out to a magazine the other day. Hopefully I'm not in way over my head, since it's a pretty well-reputed magazine. I figure at least I might stand out because the editor will go, "Huh! A story about World War I! Interesting..." though whether it's a good or bad "interesting" is anyone's guess. ^_~ Anything that stands out is probably good, though, since I'm sure they get a ton of submissions. I'm pretty proud of the story I sent, and I'd like to believe there's at least a fighting chance that someone will like it well enough to consider it seriously.

Well, anyway. I think that's it for now!
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