TV Tar Pit

Sep 26, 2008 09:25

Trying to climb out of the hole made by TV episodes I've missed while on vacation, because I'm still tired and I like watching stuff while eating lunch. ^_~

The question of the century: why does Wednesday night TV suck so badly, while Thursday night has ten gabillion overlapping shows that I want to watch?? Hmph. I only complain about the really important stuff.

So, I'm all caught up with Supernatural (not counting the fact that I haven't seen any of Season Two yet). ZOMG Castiel!!! I like. I like Dean. Dean dean dean. And I don't even like his name, but I'm forced to repeat it like a moron because I fancy him.

Survivor was two hours long last night, and I wasn't gonna miss Supernatural, so I watched Ugly Betty instead in that 7-8 slot. Ehh, I loved the first season of Ugly Betty, and the second season was decent, but I can't say I was too into it last night.

Watched the second ep of the 5th season of House when it aired on Tuesday, intending to catch up with the premiere sometime's on my list. I also watched The Mentalist, which I enjoyed very much. ^_^ Even though it has that Welsh-named guy from The Nine who always looks confused. (This guy.)

Watched the first hour of the Heroes premiere yesterday, and am intending to finish today. WTF, Heroes. You're running in circles and nothing makes sense. Peter? Future Peter? How does Sylar know so much more about Claire now than he did when he tried to kill her in the first season? Why is Maya still around? Why is Mohinder such a moron? Linderman--how?? Sigh. Now that they ruined Peter, Hiro is the best thing about the show for me, and even his upcoming story line is looking pretty lame from here. It could just be that I hate stuff like that, though. I hope I'm being vague enough to avoid spoilers while still conveying my meaning to people who've already seen it.

Anyway. My list of things to Watch Legally on the Networks' Websites:

1) Heroes 3x2
2) House 5x1
3) The Office 4x1
4) Survivor (who knows how many seasons there have been).

Other things to do today:

1) Get stuff ready to submit to my old school's literary magazine!
2) Fill out Berlitz questionnaire!
3) Prepare other stuff to send out to another magazine!
4) Grocery shopping for Mom in preparation for early Rosh Hashanah dinner to be celebrated with brother this weekend!
5) Find out if my old temp agency is still in existence so I can be at least nominally employed sometime soon!

There ye have it.
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