Shadow shadow on the wall...who's the wisest one of all?

Jul 18, 2006 12:58

What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics)

You are a forest shadow. Your essence is that of the tree or beast that casts you upon the earth. You feel a purpose to be in balance with the cycles of life and are wise and beautiful in your submission to the justice of Mother Nature. You are peaceful in temperament and, though you feel small, your spirit is precious, strong, and mighty as the (green)forces with which it is affiliated. (please rate my quiz cuz it took me for freaking ever to create)
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Ah yes...all hell hath broke loose in good old Whitehall due to the fact that the whole of the residential area in town has no power! WTF?!?!?! T_T
Last night's storm was indeed a sight to inspire awe and admiration, but did it have to go one step beyond and knock out our electricity? Jebus crumps! Its a good thing that Muskegone still has it's power; I be sitting at the computer at mom's work typing this up seeing as how there is no power at home....grrrrr.
Anywho...does anyone know why Rooster Teeth won't load? Are they having cite problems? Is there anyone else who is a RT member who is having problems getting on?
Well...they tell me that Whitehall won't get power back untill Friday so I'm going to go surf the net for a while. Wish me luck!
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