Apr 03, 2009 18:16
Good news: no tooth decay, yay!
Bad news: I have inflamed gums so deep cleaning is needed. I have to go back in a few weeks, then once more the week after since they can only work on two quadrants/half the mouth in one sitting.
But yay, I have the luckiest teeth EVER! Apparently I have short roots, but the dentist says that's just how I was made, haha. He couldn't see any decay, no cracks or anything, so it might just be a sensitive tooth. They took a gazillion x-rays and the dentist gave me a prescription for antibiotics to help with the gums. And apparently since I'm diabetic, my gum line is important and I need to visit the dentist more often than every 6 months (more around every 3-4 months).
So no cavities! I just have to get through the cleanings @__@ At least I'll have sparkling clean teeth afterwards? XD;;; And extremely sadpanda gums, lol ^^;;