
Jan 29, 2008 19:42

I managed to flunk calculus last semester, so I'm retaking it now. I liked my prof last semester, but he sucked at teaching. This new prof is a great teacher - when he actually teaches. We've had three class meetings now, and he's only kept us for about 30 min. each time (it's a 75 minute class period). The first time it made sense - he gave us the syllabus and explained how he was going to do things, then let us go. OK. The second day, he gave a very basic algebra review for about 15-20 minutes, then delt with some people who wanted to add the class, and let us go. Tonight I ended up being almost 10 min. late due to traffic. The professor gave a algebra review practice quiz, corrected it with us, and let us go. I was seriously in my seat for 20 minutes. I'm paying roughly $600 for this class, and we've yet to be kept for the entire class time. I REALLY hope this doesn't become a permanant trend. I'm driving 30 miles each way to come to this one class 2x a week, and while just passing it is my real priority, it pisses me off to spend a full hour of drive-time, gasoline, and parking money and not get any real instruction. Now so far I've yet to have any questions, but I swear that if I have to be the last person sitting in class, I'm going to get the instruction I'm paying for, damn it! >_<

Then, on my way out I was accosted by some pesky 20 year old with clipboards of petition signatures. I'm all for being a good steward of the environment, I recycle what I can, when I can. I always put my trash in the appropriate waste recepticle. I pick up random trash I find, and with the exception of my horses' poop, I pack in what I pack out. I'm an outdoors-y person and I hate cities and can barely stand so. Cal suburbs with all the cookie-cutter tract housing, but I think that the left-wing fringe environmentalists are nut-jobs, and the politicians who cater to them are some of the worst, most irresponsible people in government. They use environment as a vehicle for their own agendas because really, how many asshats are ignornat or uncaring enough about the planet and nature enough to think, "Yeah, I'm just gonna kill dolphins by throwing my used motor oil down the storm drains." Not too freaking many, especially the people of my generation who have grown up with that lame "Captian Planet" cartoon and what with all the environmental awarness being part of every elementary school year's cirriculum.

So anyway, this airhead girl comes up to like 3" of me and was like, "Do you want to sign these petitions to help us have clean air and water?" I cut her off before she could continue and simply replied, "No thanks, not tonight."

From her reaction you would think I'd slapped her in the face. She was absolutely DUMBFOUNDED that I wasn't interested in standing in the middle of camus, in the cold and the dark, squinting at clipboards and penning my signature for something that I believe is just an excuse for the politicians in Sacramento to further their socialist policies by telling me that I can't drive the F250 I hope to buy someday unless I pay a $2500 tax to someone who chooses to drive a Prius. I like the Prius, and would drive one, except that it can't pull a 3 horse stock trailer. If someone comes up with an affordable, viable hybrid truck that can do that, GREAT! I'll be first in line to buy one.

Besides, I happen to know that the signature people get $0.25 or so for every signature. And that's fine, because it's lousy work, really, and if they can get a few hundred signatures in 5 hours of standing around waiting to accost some innocent passerby, that's okay by me, but I resent the guilt trip so many of them try to throw over your head.

That's why I sign any petitions I'm interested in at wal*mart. I can do my political duty to help ballot measures I support while I'm picking up disposable razors, tube socks and ammo for my .45. lol

Hell of a rant about a stupid topic, but oh well. :p
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