If you want to have cities, you've got to build roads.

Dec 19, 2008 22:17

Well, I'm in a MUCH better mood this evening, despite my sleepiness! My grandmother has arrived from Sydney and has settled in happily, tomorrow I'm seeing my favourite person in all the world, and most importantly, it's the weekend! So I can relax for a few days and not think about horrible horrible work. And I can finally get some Christmas shopping done - I've left it so late!

When everything feels like it's going to topple down around me like a house of cards, it is such a relief to know I have the capacity to rebuild it, taller and stronger and more beautifully. In the right mindset, the things that go wrong make me happy. Who would have thought that I, the Queen of Pessimism, would find myself laughing delightedly at this messy, run-down world of ours? But it IS a delight. Because it is full of little surprises and picturesque moments and ephemeral beauty. The sunset is so captivating because we can only see it once a day, and only for a few short enitcing minutes, and then we have to wait. And by the time we see another, we've forgotten just how precious it was, so it strikes our hearts just as it did before. Utter bliss!

In other news, I must remember to buy some baby blue material, ribbon, lace et cetera. I've just discovered that this colour really suits me, so I'd love to make a pretty blouse for the summer, and maybe a skirt too? A dress? You can never have too much lovely clothing. And it's really time I started sewing! Patterns would be good.
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