Here's a link. I really don't think it's bad, on the contrary, I would say it's better than most of what I have seen. I clearly said that in my reviews. That reply just threw me off so much, I couldn't finish the fic after reading it. It's still there, open in my browser, waiting to get finished.
What I haven't mentioned before, because it happened after I posted this, is that I got another reply. That reply, however, was... Well, all about her. A quick not how she's glad I'm reading both her stories, because Constellations gets less readers because there's a character death - and then she goes on about how she used to have cancer when she was writing and that the 3 main characters represent her.
In any other situation, I would feel with her. In this situation, when I approached her nicely, got a reply that said I'm irksome while I tried to be nice, and then she goes on telling me how much her life sucks... I rarely feel like this about unfortunate people, but this time, I just don't give a damn.
I'm not giving up reviewing - I managed to find something good to read, after all. It's not perfect, of course, but it's better than anything I have read since your works (you're welcome, honey. I'm not trying to suck up to you, I really do feel that way. I would have written that even if I knew that you would never read it :P). And I'm reviewing it.
I guess I'll stop giving chances to fics. If I don't like it, I am not going to continue reading. So far, I did so because I want to give everyone a chance to prove themselves, and sometimes it's not that easy to do that in a chapter.
Well, I won't do that from now on. I read some of it, and then leave without the constructive crit. Everybody can continue writing the same cr@p they have been for that long, and never become better.
Wow, I'm bitter. I'm just having quite a bad week, don't think I'm a bitch all the time. :Pű
Thank you for your kind words!! I'm sorry for all this anger and frustration and rant I'm throwing at you... :S You can return the favor anytime :P
The similar titles confuzzled me. I think I'd read this some time when I have more time. I checked her profile too and wow, she's new? With those number of chapters put up already? Talk about dedication...
I kinda envy that. I have lots of stories in my head and in my notepads, but editing is what always takes my time. So I kept taking longer, and longer, and longer. Guhr.
She did seem to be a decent writer (I just took a glance, but I'm really reading this one day - but is there some NejiSasu going on? I'm personally biased against Sasuke paired with others not Naruto, but eh XD), though I reckon I'd be a bit biased against her too (she was really condescending with the reply).
About the cancer thing... I reckon the Net got me jaded on this, but this just reminds me of posters in fanficrants who, after being trolled by members because of their arrogant comments, spout about having Asperger's and that they should be kinder or whatnot. Perhaps she did have cancer, perhaps not, but mentioning that after your reviews and her reply... made it seem like she's trying to guilt you into being 'nicer' to her (I've read your reviews and honestly, you're nicer to her than to me, in that you seemed to have made an extra effort to find something nice to say and a way to phrase your words nicely - I'm not saying you're mean to me, just to be clear XD just that you're nicer).
Aww, that's good to know. ^_^ And no worries, I know. You of all people have no need to suck up to anyone.
Hey, don't worry about it. I'm not having a good week too, what with the soul-searching attempt I'm trying, but don't let writers like that get you any more down. You deserve better, dear. ^.~ And all the great stories you can read. :D
You're welcome! My rants consist mostly of keyboard-pounding, though, and they often seem dumb when out of my head. XD But I'd keep that offer in mind!
Hehe, I never thought that I could be nicer to anyone than I am to you :D I guess I fawn over your work too much to actually be nice, don't I XD Yes, Constellations definitely has NejiNaruSasu in it (I haven't gotten that far in All In), and for the first time, I can actually see it happening. Too sad the characters are OoC, otherwise this would really be a first. (Like Teamwork from Asuka Kureru. If there is anyone on the internet I really admire, it's her.)
*jumps into nice-guy pose* I'm not gonna let anyone ruin my mood anymore! (well, maybe my mom XD but I owe her too much XD)
Haha! XD Not that I'm complaining about your niceness - I like your band of nice with me. Honest nice, I call it. I prefer being told what I need to work on and you do it well. :D
I've read Asuka Kureru before and I think she's a cool writer too, though I'm not really into threesome. I think that's what stopped me from reading her - no matter how great a writer was, if my bias begins to work, I shy away. It's why I can't read ItaSasu or NejiHina or Sandcest, even if there are great writers who write about them. I know I miss out a lot because of this, but eh. Preferences. *scratches cheek*
So now, knowing about the NejiNaruSasu, I'm really not sure. But since you said you can actually see it happening, I'm going to suck it up and read it. It deserves a try, I reckon.
Haha, that's good! And yeah, moms have those rights. XD
What I haven't mentioned before, because it happened after I posted this, is that I got another reply. That reply, however, was... Well, all about her. A quick not how she's glad I'm reading both her stories, because Constellations gets less readers because there's a character death - and then she goes on about how she used to have cancer when she was writing and that the 3 main characters represent her.
In any other situation, I would feel with her. In this situation, when I approached her nicely, got a reply that said I'm irksome while I tried to be nice, and then she goes on telling me how much her life sucks... I rarely feel like this about unfortunate people, but this time, I just don't give a damn.
I'm not giving up reviewing - I managed to find something good to read, after all. It's not perfect, of course, but it's better than anything I have read since your works (you're welcome, honey. I'm not trying to suck up to you, I really do feel that way. I would have written that even if I knew that you would never read it :P). And I'm reviewing it.
I guess I'll stop giving chances to fics. If I don't like it, I am not going to continue reading. So far, I did so because I want to give everyone a chance to prove themselves, and sometimes it's not that easy to do that in a chapter.
Well, I won't do that from now on. I read some of it, and then leave without the constructive crit. Everybody can continue writing the same cr@p they have been for that long, and never become better.
Wow, I'm bitter. I'm just having quite a bad week, don't think I'm a bitch all the time. :Pű
Thank you for your kind words!! I'm sorry for all this anger and frustration and rant I'm throwing at you... :S You can return the favor anytime :P
I kinda envy that. I have lots of stories in my head and in my notepads, but editing is what always takes my time. So I kept taking longer, and longer, and longer. Guhr.
She did seem to be a decent writer (I just took a glance, but I'm really reading this one day - but is there some NejiSasu going on? I'm personally biased against Sasuke paired with others not Naruto, but eh XD), though I reckon I'd be a bit biased against her too (she was really condescending with the reply).
About the cancer thing... I reckon the Net got me jaded on this, but this just reminds me of posters in fanficrants who, after being trolled by members because of their arrogant comments, spout about having Asperger's and that they should be kinder or whatnot. Perhaps she did have cancer, perhaps not, but mentioning that after your reviews and her reply... made it seem like she's trying to guilt you into being 'nicer' to her (I've read your reviews and honestly, you're nicer to her than to me, in that you seemed to have made an extra effort to find something nice to say and a way to phrase your words nicely - I'm not saying you're mean to me, just to be clear XD just that you're nicer).
Aww, that's good to know. ^_^ And no worries, I know. You of all people have no need to suck up to anyone.
Hey, don't worry about it. I'm not having a good week too, what with the soul-searching attempt I'm trying, but don't let writers like that get you any more down. You deserve better, dear. ^.~ And all the great stories you can read. :D
You're welcome! My rants consist mostly of keyboard-pounding, though, and they often seem dumb when out of my head. XD But I'd keep that offer in mind!
*jumps into nice-guy pose* I'm not gonna let anyone ruin my mood anymore! (well, maybe my mom XD but I owe her too much XD)
I hope you'll keyboard-pound my way sometime :D
Oh, the bell rang. Gotta go! :D
I've read Asuka Kureru before and I think she's a cool writer too, though I'm not really into threesome. I think that's what stopped me from reading her - no matter how great a writer was, if my bias begins to work, I shy away. It's why I can't read ItaSasu or NejiHina or Sandcest, even if there are great writers who write about them. I know I miss out a lot because of this, but eh. Preferences. *scratches cheek*
So now, knowing about the NejiNaruSasu, I'm really not sure. But since you said you can actually see it happening, I'm going to suck it up and read it. It deserves a try, I reckon.
Haha, that's good! And yeah, moms have those rights. XD
Have a lovely day and take care. ^_^
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