Between tons of things to study and exams, I almost continued with the 30 Days Meme. No, I'm not kidding!
I decided to do NaNoWriMo this year. For that, I am going to need practice, because quite frankly, I suck badly. My first thought was finishing the meme; but I got stuck on translating the song I want to show you all :D
Then, on y!gallery, it came to my attention that on the 23th of October, we are celebrating NaruSasu Day. And since I wrote something for SasuNaru, and I prefer NS a tiny little bit more than SN (the only reason is that I have seen too many blushing!girlwithadick!Naruto fics. I can't stop associating with those), it's kind of a duty. And will make for a great practice piece for NaNo.
Besides. I need a hobby, now that I can't seem to socialize even the amount I have been so far.
Anyway, too much ranting. I am writing a multichap romance fic for NaruSasu Day. I jotted down the general idea, the beginning, all the main points in between, and the ending. Sat down to write. Facepalmed after 150 words.
Those 150 words SUCK. Really badly. Feeling really bad, I tossed it aside.
After a day of sulking, looked up "writing tutorials". Found the "
Snowflake method". Using that now. I think I might be able to do it with the help of the tutorial (and years and years of reading fan fiction and books).
I just hope I will be on time. A big problem is that I should finish by November, and by then, have an idea for an OTHER fic that has to be at least 50.000 words. Ouch. The longest I have written and published isn't more than 15.000 words. Kind of terrified here.
What if I did NSD a little late, but wrote that fic in November? Have to go to y!gal and ask. Although, November is just the writing. I would have to edit and reread and stuff later. Damn. Why can't NaruSasu Day be in January?? Naruto, this is all your fault, why were you born in OCTOBER??