crapdealer 's masterpiece, in my opinion. Of course, all her stuff is awesome... But there has never been another time when I literally couldn't stop reading a fic, and printed it out so that I could read it on the way to Uni, during all my classes in Uni, and on the way home.
The angst. OMG, the delicious ANGST!! It's overflowing, it's in character, it's amazingly written, it's something that taught me a lots of things, it's just brilliant.
(I already had a rant on this fic
in this older post, if you want some details. I repeat: it doesn't even matter whether you like the pairing or het/yaoi/yuri. This stuff is so good, those things all become unimportant.)
SERIOUSLY. Anyone out there, even if you don't know what Naruto is about, even if you don't know what fan fiction IS, whether you like angst or not, READ IT. It's so good, it should be published and then everybody should be forced to read it (not that anyone should feel the force behind it).
I just can't not mention another fic. It's called
Gray Colored Happiness, and it's written by one of the most talented fan fiction writers I had the luck to come across, by
mylilchickadee. Sadly, she's also someone who has gotten discouraged from writing because of lack of response. It's exactly cases like this (when an outstanding fic doesn't get what it deserves, while utter crap gets nominated for SasuNaru awards for example) that made me stop reading fan fictions like I used to (as in, many hours every day. Now, reading a fic might take me a week or a month). I can't even ask the writers to continue writing, for free, when all their efforts are for nothing, just because the fan fiction community has become a big group of morons and sheep.