Dec 15, 2014 14:57
Gah. Why do things go crazy this time of year? It's like things go into warp speed or something....
Saw Mac! She came for a visit for my birthday (yay!), so it was a crazy weekend where we hung out and had drinks and went to this tiny con and hung out and walked through the Strip in the rain and I think I worried her husband because I know WAY too many places around here to buy locally made alcohol. Hey, I support local, all I'm saying.... (there's a rum place, and a whiskey place, and a mead place, and a cider place, and like fifty beer places, and a couple of wine places...).
And a couple of birthday dinners. NB took me out to a lovely one, and the one at my mother's was nice but way too noisy. Did the holiday baking at my mom's and got a lovely guilt trip about how she'd hoped I'd have had a daughter by now to join in on the tradition and all that. >.< Yeah. Kept going on about it. Next time I'll bring Hoshi or something.... (I'm tempted, except poor Hoshi gets too stressed out leaving the house).
And of course there's trying to get all the year end work stuff in while also taking your vacation days. Love how they force you to take them instead of letting you carry them over.
Getting one or two packages out in the mail tomorrow - really cutting back on stuff like that. Have to take in some work packages, too.
So happy about Tokyo Ghoul:Re. More people need to be getting into this darn series, I tell you....