Shadows fic - Precipice of Darkness ch7

Oct 13, 2013 16:42

Wow, it certainly took a long time for this chapter! I thought I was wrong when I saw the date o the last chapter, but I guess it did take a couple of months! I feel a bit bad, but this one is 50+ Word pages, so maybe that'll make up for it. Consider it a bit of an early Halloween treat (one of my favorite holidays).

This one is not worksafe, and this will basically wrap up the Shadows arc before the war starts. I think I have a short story or two that I'll write before the war, but yeah, this is pretty much it and then we'll have the start of the war (various manoeuvrings that lead to the actual fighting). I get to kill off more characters! Yay!

However, the short stories aside, there will be a bit of a wait for that. I'm going to work on some other projects, but I *will* be coming back to Shadows. It's so close to having the main plot wrapped up that it won't be abandoned.

catsdream, precipice of darkness, shadows

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