Happy New Year (Eve)!!
In anticipation of the new year, I bring fic. It's not quite the end of Chasing Threads, though I've got the story all wrapped up (on my hard drive), CT9 needs a little more polishing and it should hopefully be posted in another week or two. But for now, here is CT8 for your reading enjoyment. This chapter is worksafe though it may be a bit frustrating.
http://www.catsdreams.com/archive/chasing%20threads%2008.html Also, I got a couple of fics up on the website (I really need to keep better track of what I write!) - these are under the Miscellaneous section, them being the Young Avengers fic 'Twelfth Night' and the Weiss/Kateyko Hitman Reborn fic 'Chance Meetings in the Moonlight'. I'm contemplating more writing for these fandoms, if I ever get of my mental butt and write that House of M AU and the 8018 fic currently bouncing around in my head.
The YA fic is not worksafe, the WK/KHR fic is, mostly, save for the swearing and Schu being Schu.
http://www.catsdreams.com/archive/ya%20twelfth%20night.htmlhttp://www.catsdreams.com/archive/khr%20chance%20meetings.html Also, I've been terribly remiss in sharing a piece of artwork that a lovely fan had commissioned from Shadows by PL Nunn (pic is worksafe):
http://www.catsdreams.com/fanart/kage.jpg Thank you all for sticking with me and my stories for another year!